Happy Boxing Day guys!
Day two down under is jammed packed with action and I'll tell you why
We woke up at 430am zomg cause traditionally on boxing day all the malls hold this great great sale and open their door at an unearthly 5am and close at 12pm
Our very first destination was Burket street.
It is kinda like the Orchard Road in singapore
We took a tram there and reached the place at an unearthly time of 545am

Oooh! and guess what?
As I approach the place, I was greeted by this very apt piece of art

A giant Purse
As i look at the picture now, i pity that smiley girl on the giant purse who has no idea that she had just sealed the deal with the giant purse of spending for the rest of the day.
pit stop 1: Myer
Trying out lovely hats which nicole eventually bought.

after a very fruitful shopping experience at myer with no photos as we were too busy shopping, we headed to the train station to make a pilgrimage to Chadston, the fashion capital of Melbourne
En route Chadston, eating subway at Flinders train station.

Yes, they allow food- They even have little vendors selling food at the platform.
How cool is that?
Anyway, Chadston is like this giant shopping mall with every shop you can imagine
From the super atas like Louis Vuiton to the very affordable Cotton on.
As we were busy shopping, i didnt manage to take any photos
For a little break, we hopped over to the pankncake house for a little sugar rush with an order of double stack pancakes with a single scoop of vanilla ice cream- each.
And because we over spent, we can only dream abt drinking something else other than water,

After ice cream, we were good to go and began our long journey back to Bourke Street via the trains again
Candids while waiting for the trains.

Before going back home, we went to Woolworths to get do some grocerry shopping
This supermarket is damn cool.
You check your own items out
Here is nicole scanning the bar codes on the food and putting them into the plastic bags on her own.

Cool right?
I remembered i wanted to be a cashier when i was young.
Shopping here would definitely be a perfect alternative to being a cashier for real
Not sure if it increases efficiency though caused the machine screwed up many time and we needed the assitant's help to reset the machine.
Nicole got me a belated christmas pressie and i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Everyone, meet

my new orang utan!!
Hector i call it.
Hector the orang.
Cute right?
So after a jammed packed day,
being back at home is kinda weird.
So, to let off the excess energy that we have, i present to you some good girls gone bad down in melbourne.
Siao cha bors. Okay....more like siao cha bor-singular.
Nicole is totally patronizing me. Look at the unwillingness in her face.
Party pooper!
anyway, till the next adventure!
i think tmr is a day for recovery
Damn shagzz