The atmosphere was really good as it happened to be the final show hence the place was graced by the presence of theatre celebs like Hossan Leong and the wild rice director himself who were all coincidentally sitting at the row just behind us.
ooh.. Star struck.
Personally, i am a great fan of local stage productions and i belive they are much more entertaining than the broadway ones cause they would always add a little social satire that we can relate to and laugh about.
However i think this one is really a miss for me at least cause Sarah enjoyed herself very much.
On the whole, i would say that the show was only average
The punch lines if any, were mediocre and all the jokes were just permutations of the Ris Low saga
And come on, there are only so many Ris Low jokes that one can assimilate in a single day
Probably one of the very few highlights of the show were the two ugly sisters of Beauty played by En Lai and some other guy.
They were hilarious.
Yeah. Thats about it.
This one sadly is a "neh" for me.
If i were to rate it, i give it 1.5 soggy styrofoam tasting popcorns tops.
To end, i leave you guys with a final picture on the way home
I swear you wouldnt wanna know the long arduous and noisy process of choosing who was supposed to be the photographer preceding the shooting of this beautiful image.

i promised sarah i wouldn't photoshop her boobs this time.
you should really see the dress below the shoulders man.
Its like...... Boomz.
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