Friday, June 27, 2008


MARAT SAFIN IS SO HOT!unseeded and all, but managed to beat world no. 3 Novak Djokovich
like a pro.
cant believe his sister is the irritating person that cause sharapova to lose at Roland GarrosYes, and i purposely choose a very ugly photo of her.

Anyway, back to marat.
Why are all the Russians tennis players so chio and handsome??(expect for this pink one la)
maybe i shld suggest gg Russia for the end of the year trip with my family instead.
The whole streets filled with Sharapovas and Saffins
Just like when my sister went to Thailand, she said that every thai man looks like Utt, so actually, Utt is not that handsome, just lucky.

Actually, tennis players are just generally a good looking bunch i feel.
the ladies go on court and play with no make up but at the end of the day still manage to look so effortlessly pretty and dolled up
And the guys are wooooooooooooo........
lean and fast and good looking

im thinking
by just playing tennis, you will slowly turn better looking.
Confirm.(teddy bear!!)
Im so joining tennis in Uni
and maybe i'll meet someone looking like that.
and i'll become like that
Maria in shorts and tuxido. Menswear insipired for Wimbledon this year.
Apparently, the dress i saw on some site was fake??
Im like so bored. i dunno what im blabbering
okay, i just thought of smt to say
I have been doing invigilation for the mid year papers in MJ for this past week
i have like:
1)ppl laughing when i say"pls follow my instructions" which is the polar opposite
2)ppl asking me whats wrong with the maths question. hello??? maths and i do not exist together.
and i tell you
today was the worst
i had to start the bio paper today in a class which include me giving out all the qn papers, OMR, writing paper, checking that they cleared the memory of their cal, giving put strings to tie paper to a class of 36 ppl.
and by the end of that, i was in buckets of sweat cause of the freakish weather we are experiencing.
So when everything was settled, the kids were doing their paper.
according to my roster, i only have 4 periods(not back to back) to invigilate and some Mr Teo cher Hock or smt was supposed to come take over
But he didnt
and i ended up sitting in the damn class for 6 periods straight
and to top it off, i was feeling VERY thirsty by the end if the 2nd period but i cant leave the class for a drink.
can u imagine my pain.
and no one came to my help also.
dehydrated to the max
i cant believe the teacher was so irresponsible
and when i left the class.
i ran to the nearest water fountain and drank like there was no tomorrow.
water nvr tasted so good.
hope monday and tuesday wouldnt be so sucky.
p.s: this is the first time i feel like i have nothing to p.s at the end of my post.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Something new and exciting

Im back from shopping!!
Anyway, shopping is not really the main subject.

As usual, the first thing i do when i reach home is to........................
Turn on the TV
yes! haha
And i was very upset that i reached home at 10:30 exactly and missed incredible tales
But surprisingly, i discovered a nicer show on Channel 5 at 10:30pm on sundays called "Pushing Daisies"
Without my Survivor, American Idol, Project Runway and all to keep me entertainted.
This amazing Drama is surprisingly refreshing.
Pushing daisies is not ur typical, American Drama series like House, Monk, Lost(who watches this la??) or Heroes.
Its something very new cause its like a little of everything.
Its kinda like Desperate Housewives meets A series of Unfortunate Events meets Alice in wonderland.
Its very narrative and dramatic and extremely exaggerated and witty.
Anyway to let you all in on the show a little.

Pushing Daisies, centers on the life of Ned, a pie maker gifted with the mysterious ability to bring dead things back to life by touching them. There are a couple of conditions to the somewhat unwanted talent, however. Ned quickly learns that if something is revived for more than exactly one minute, something of similar "life value" in the vicinity drops dead, in a form of balance. Additionally, if he touches the revived thing a second time, it falls dead again - permanently. No amount of his prodding will ever bring it back again.
Real cool.
Expect like quirky costumes, funny taglines, witty comments and a whole lot of narration during the show.
Kinda like someone is reading a story to you
Catch it next Sunday at 10:30 ya?
Who cares about heroes man? I didnt even watch the 2nd Season. bleh
(kidding la! heroes fan dun spam my board pls. Thanksyous)

p.s:Ned the pie maker's shop is called "The Pie Hole"!!! Jacq screams out loud:"touché!"



seriously, life slacking at home is kinda boring.
My mum knows for a fact and has been very nice, taking me out to watch movies like The Happening, Kungfu Panda, You Don't Mess With the Zohan..........

Anyway, countdown to Wimbledon is down to 24 hrs!!(chels,ps,yy, you can stop reading from here)
The clay season is over and here comes the grass.
And you guys sure know who i will be rooting for
i hope she doesnt get booted out so early like in Roland Garros again.
Like a sad
Oh! and Roger Federrer who hasnt been playing so well since likeWimbledon last year, Im so rooting for him too.
He has won Wibledon every year since 2003 until now!
But im quite skeptical abt this year though

Anyway, heres a little interesting fact abt Wimbledon for you.
Only for Wimbledon, the ballers are supposed to follow a strict attire code of wearing all white.
So expect every player to be donned in white tennis outfits.
How cool is that.
And i found on a website, a sneak preview of what Sharapova is gonna wear to the grass lawn.
This cute empire cut dress with a neckline so low and a mesh lining on the outside that it almost looks like a weddign dress.
am i looking at my next purchase??
Die, I bet its doesnt come cheap.
anyway, im off for some weekend shopping with my mum since Gina is enjoying herself in Hong Kong.

Buh Bye

Thursday, June 12, 2008

p.s:i love you like in a song

spent my day watching this awesome show called "I am Sam"
stars the talented Sean Penn and Dakota Fanning

It tells a story of a mentally challenged father trying to raise his daughther to the best of his abilities but people around him thinks otherwise

This leaves him on a long battle in court and together with his laywer they find a speacial relationship and crush the stereotype of the mentally challanged not being able to care for others as well as normal people.

I quote Sam "being a gd parent is about consistency, patience, listening and pretending to listen even when you can't listen no more"

Doesn't the simplest explaination makes the most sense sometimes?
Love the show!
Pls catch it here:

and speaking of parenting, my dad specially made me very nice lunch today!
chicken chop a la jacq's daddy

Look at the tomatoes.
He even cut it in some jagged zigzag pattern.

Love you dad!!

p.s: title was what Sam wrote to lucy when she was with her foster family.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yay!! Ouch Ouch!!

I finally got my letter from the NTU/NIE and proceeded online to accept my offer on the NTU portal.
Heaved my second sigh of relief.

Ouch Ouch!!
My body is like a pain after the 8km run i did with the people at XM which includes Carolyn, Candice, Jean, Yan Yan and Louise.
The whole experience of jogging with your colleagues is so refreshing and fun and for a moment(scary moment), i actually like being in XM.
I have to admit the people there are generally a nice bunch,
but i feel like i am wasting my time there doing practically nothing at all.
My daily routine would be to go to the office, check my email, chat with chelsea, yan yan and some of the XM people, play online 3D tennis(damn fun! path you guys the link later on), chat on the forum with fellow teachers to be and GO HOME.
seriously, i get paid for doing nothing at all.
Which is good in a way, cause its easy money
But i have to say sitting at a desk for 8 hrs a day doing nothing can be quite painful.

i have made up my mind to terminate my contract this Friday the 13th!!!
I even specially choose a very auspicious day for the occasion, aren't i thoughful in a way??

Anyway, on a side note, while running ytd, i felt really good
and surprisingly, i actually like the feeling i got during the run!!!
I mean, come on man
who likes running???
The last time i checked,
I hated it to the core.
I remember all the running programmes that we used to do during training
like Murderer, 3x1.2, fartlek training, long distance.
I used to feel like crying at the start line of my running programme all the time

And to prove it to you.
I have with me pictorial evidence of me running in JC

looks painful right? wait for more..



look at the agony on my constipated face!!!

I conclude i have this love hate feeling for running and i'll probably have to learn to love it more cause i'm gonna be a PE teacher soon.

Imagine my students seeing the above face of mine.

I bet they would run like Forest Gump.

Ahhhh..... I'm so gonna rock as a PE teacher

P.S: This is a very cool tennis game. As real as it can get. Go try it out

and colleague at work Jun Yi introduced this game to me which got me playing and laughing cause the charaters are damn comical and the ending of the game if you manage to complete it is damn funny

Raft wars:

enjoy, beautiful people!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

just wondering......

im sitting infront of my computer, surfing the boring net
something very important struck me.

i've always been into astronomy, the planets, stars and outer space stuff
and ever since that star party the girls and i went for last year, i was permanently hooked onto astronomy.

I remember seeing through the telescope this tiny thing sitting in the sky which looks so much like the picture from any astronomy book.
a round spherical body surrounded by a ring.
Saturn was in fact one of the largest planet in our solar system, but through the telescope, it was how Saturn looked like in the books but shrunk 100000 times.
I was in awe when i saw that.
Its uber cool!

Anyway, i was just wikipedia-ing around about planets
And i found out that one of Saturn's moon called titan is the only body in out solar system other than our very own Earth to have its very own atmosphere and presence of liquid bodies.
This means that it can likely support life somehow, beacause it is our atmosphere that protects our Earth's temperature from plummeting to freezing point at night and blazing hot in the day.
Cool right???

and titan is such a cool name for a guy i think.
Strong and brave name.
Speaking of names, just side tracking, i have always wanted to name my future kids after grecian and roman gods cause i think those names are so so meaningful and cool.
I have always liked these few:
1. Atlas(this was supposed to be my bro's name until they changed it to Alvin)
2. Triton
3. Achilles
4. Phaeton
5. Hector
6. Briseis(daughter)

ain't it cute?? a family of greek gods and goddesses.

anyway, i was just windering for a second.
there are so many moons in our solar system including Titan, Phobos, Callisto, Europa, Io and the list goes on.
All with such cool names.
Have you ever wondered what's the name of our very own moon??
The one and only Earth's moon??

Okay, i did a wiki on that question too and guess what i found out?
You'll never expect the name of out Moon to be so cool.
Our moon is called.................................................................................




wait for it



The Moon!!!!!!

i tell you, when i saw that for myself, my eyeballs cannot roll backwards any further.
Scientists are just such funny people that they bother to name all 60 moons of Saturn and the hundreds others out there in space, but not out very own.
Kinda lame and ridiculous right??

Anyway, to make things clearer,
its not moon, or Moon.
Its "The Moon", with a capital M.

I guess less is best.
They were going for the minimalist, classic and timeless approach.

Well, thats all from me, Ms Sng, today.
Ain't ridemywash a great learning and enriching experience for everyone??
This is beats a detailed account of what i did today. Seriously.

p.s: dun name your kids the same as mine arh!! these are really my future kids names, no kidding!


the planet Saturn vs the greek god of agriculture Saturn
Gallileo studies Saturn in the early 1500s and notice some rings around Saturn
after a while when he did some studies on the planet later again, he couln't see any rings due to the position of the rings being flat, so they appear to have disappeared
So he commented that Saturn ate its children(rings), just like how the greek god Saturn ate his children for fear that they might overpower him!!!
I just find this to be an amazing coincidence :))) so cool!!!
Ciao bella!


boo hoo!
sharapova is out.
like a sad.