I finally got my letter from the NTU/NIE and proceeded online to accept my offer on the NTU portal.
Heaved my second sigh of relief.
Ouch Ouch!!
My body is like a pain after the 8km run i did with the people at XM which includes Carolyn, Candice, Jean, Yan Yan and Louise.
The whole experience of jogging with your colleagues is so refreshing and fun and for a moment(scary moment), i actually like being in XM.
I have to admit the people there are generally a nice bunch,
but i feel like i am wasting my time there doing practically nothing at all.
My daily routine would be to go to the office, check my email, chat with chelsea, yan yan and some of the XM people, play online 3D tennis(damn fun! path you guys the link later on), chat on the forum with fellow teachers to be and GO HOME.
My daily routine would be to go to the office, check my email, chat with chelsea, yan yan and some of the XM people, play online 3D tennis(damn fun! path you guys the link later on), chat on the forum with fellow teachers to be and GO HOME.
seriously, i get paid for doing nothing at all.
Which is good in a way, cause its easy money
But i have to say sitting at a desk for 8 hrs a day doing nothing can be quite painful.
i have made up my mind to terminate my contract this Friday the 13th!!!
I even specially choose a very auspicious day for the occasion, aren't i thoughful in a way??
Anyway, on a side note, while running ytd, i felt really good
and surprisingly, i actually like the feeling i got during the run!!!
I mean, come on man
who likes running???
The last time i checked,
I hated it to the core.
I remember all the running programmes that we used to do during training
like Murderer, 3x1.2, fartlek training, long distance.
I used to feel like crying at the start line of my running programme all the time
And to prove it to you.
I have with me pictorial evidence of me running in JC
looks painful right? wait for more..

look at the agony on my constipated face!!!
I conclude i have this love hate feeling for running and i'll probably have to learn to love it more cause i'm gonna be a PE teacher soon.
Imagine my students seeing the above face of mine.
I bet they would run like Forest Gump.
Ahhhh..... I'm so gonna rock as a PE teacher
P.S: This is a very cool tennis game. As real as it can get. Go try it out
and colleague at work Jun Yi introduced this game to me which got me playing and laughing cause the charaters are damn comical and the ending of the game if you manage to complete it is damn funny
Raft wars:http://www.miniclip.com/games/raft-wars/en/
enjoy, beautiful people!!
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