something very important struck me.
i've always been into astronomy, the planets, stars and outer space stuff
and ever since that star party the girls and i went for last year, i was permanently hooked onto astronomy.
I remember seeing through the telescope this tiny thing sitting in the sky which looks so much like the picture from any astronomy book.
a round spherical body surrounded by a ring.
Saturn was in fact one of the largest planet in our solar system, but through the telescope, it was how Saturn looked like in the books but shrunk 100000 times.
I was in awe when i saw that.
Its uber cool!
Anyway, i was just wikipedia-ing around about planets
And i found out that one of Saturn's moon called titan is the only body in out solar system other than our very own Earth to have its very own atmosphere and presence of liquid bodies.
This means that it can likely support life somehow, beacause it is our atmosphere that protects our Earth's temperature from plummeting to freezing point at night and blazing hot in the day.
Cool right???
and titan is such a cool name for a guy i think.
Strong and brave name.
Speaking of names, just side tracking, i have always wanted to name my future kids after grecian and roman gods cause i think those names are so so meaningful and cool.
I have always liked these few:
1. Atlas(this was supposed to be my bro's name until they changed it to Alvin)
2. Triton
3. Achilles
4. Phaeton
5. Hector
6. Briseis(daughter)
ain't it cute?? a family of greek gods and goddesses.
anyway, i was just windering for a second.
there are so many moons in our solar system including Titan, Phobos, Callisto, Europa, Io and the list goes on.
All with such cool names.
Have you ever wondered what's the name of our very own moon??
The one and only Earth's moon??
Okay, i did a wiki on that question too and guess what i found out?
You'll never expect the name of out Moon to be so cool.
Our moon is called.................................................................................
wait for it
The Moon!!!!!!
i tell you, when i saw that for myself, my eyeballs cannot roll backwards any further.
Scientists are just such funny people that they bother to name all 60 moons of Saturn and the hundreds others out there in space, but not out very own.
Kinda lame and ridiculous right??
Anyway, to make things clearer,
its not moon, or Moon.
Its "The Moon", with a capital M.
I guess less is best.
They were going for the minimalist, classic and timeless approach.
Well, thats all from me, Ms Sng, today.
Ain't ridemywash a great learning and enriching experience for everyone??
This is beats a detailed account of what i did today. Seriously.
p.s: dun name your kids the same as mine arh!! these are really my future kids names, no kidding!

the planet Saturn vs the greek god of agriculture Saturn
Gallileo studies Saturn in the early 1500s and notice some rings around Saturn
after a while when he did some studies on the planet later again, he couln't see any rings due to the position of the rings being flat, so they appear to have disappeared
So he commented that Saturn ate its children(rings), just like how the greek god Saturn ate his children for fear that they might overpower him!!!
I just find this to be an amazing coincidence :))) so cool!!!
Ciao bella!
interesting entry, very educational. lol. and i must say i cant believe im catching up with 2 yrs of your life in a single afternoon. i had no idea of the existence of this blog. haha.
Omg.. u haf a new blog too? So secretive nv let us noe until 2 yrs later.. haha.. Goodness I must haf a new blog too.. Interesting entry on saturn.. Still haf to study for astro exam.. Cant wait for it to be over:( Shall hit the gym wif u guys real soon.. Take care:)
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