i dont suck at soccer!!!!!
I know its the wrong trophy but, it is adequate.
Just like the rest of my results
General physiology is a bitch- nuff said
I'll be busy packing my luggage and room when i wake up in the afternoon
Lotsa things to do and i always wonder why i am constantly on this mad rush on the final day before the due of anything.
Everyone say it with me: PROCRASTINATOR
That shall be my middle name together with beauty/destroyer
Final day before ozzie and i am so not ready!!
Dad was at the airport to check in for me so i wouldnt have to on thursday and he told me that the airplane that i'll be taking is the airbus A380-upper deck window seat
Called him back immediately to get him to change to aisle seat
Thank god he was still at the counter
I dunno if its just me, but whenever i am travelling alone,
i would never choose to take the window seat because that would mean that i would have to squeeze past everyone to get to the restroom.
Thanks daddy anyway!
Went to marina barrage with besties to play cards and chat up after dinner at the quainte little restaurant near arab street called "The vintage deli restaurant.
The food is really good and friendly on your wallet- always a plus when its economical.
And, its halal, so melati you can go there to pak tor(instead of always gg to Pasta Mania!!), sarah you can bring bee there and brother bear, you can treat me to lunch soon.
Anyway, it was my first time at the barrage and i think the place is realy great but it is really inaccessible to the public cause its tucked at a deep corner near raffles place if i am not wrong
Thank god marcus dear drove
So, to all the couples out there, if you wanna go pak tor at the marina barrage, you better make sure you have a car cause the place is really awesome with a great view and nice breeze.
Princess and the Frog is like DA BOMB

The queen mother of all bombs
It has been such a long time since disney made such an awesome movie
Somehow, i feel that this movie stuck true to the essence of how all disney movies made kids felt in the past
The appropriate little songs at every scence
The same message that "Dreams come true"
The happily ever after
By the end of the movie, i found myself clapping and smilling so wide that my face was always halved by it.
I saw a little reminisence of Hercules, Anastasia, Jungle Book just to name a few in this film alone.
If you havent watched it, i beg you please..
its 620 now and i heard my mamma's door open
imma go sleep now in case i get in trouble!!!
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