like today, right now, at this very moment, i can say that i feel like a teacher.
It an incredible feeling, like power and control in the palm of your hands.
You blow a whistle and they stop, you say sit down and keep quite, they dont make a sound.
For the first 2 weeks, i was feeling kinda awkward, a little out of place and confused
the role between a teacher and a student was kinda grey for me cause the last time i was in a school, i was being punished for not completing my tutorials and running into school cause im almost late for the morning assembly(although this is still happening)
i felt like a student to my CT but on the other hand, a teacher to the students in the school.
I guess you can not get anymore confused than this as you are taking on two roles that are polar opposite in nature like heaven and earth.
As i was saying i was feeling outta place so i had problems interacting with the students because you dont know if you want to take on the role of nice teacher that jokes with them or be the stern teacher that expects nonsense.
One student came up to me and asked:
"cher, can i go to the toilet? i wore my shorts inside out." (she really did)
I looked over to my CT and asked for permission and he said:
"hey jacq, you're a teacher yourself, come on man, you can do this"
So what i did basically was just.... ignore them altoghther and pretended that they were not there.
yeah.. outta sight outta mind they say.
they also say you live and you learn and i actually did learn ways to get yourself into the students' good books
Basically, you gotta get into their conversation
and how so you may say??
have you been in a situation where you realy want to join in a coversation but you just dont know how??
Well fret no more, cause here are tips and tricks for all you guys.
well, just 2, but 2 extremely tried and tested methods that really works
1. Make them feel uneasy
You make eye contact.
really uncomfortable eye contact.
let them feel uneasy and that you are coming
2. Personal space barrier
Break it!
You know how there is this imaginary line? cross it.
They will automatically acknowledge you and let you in the circle
and BAM! you're in
and voila!
you're officially one of them

p.s: they even did the chicken dance for me today after my lesson:)
p.p.s: i am really thinking about getting a doggie
and if i do get one
i want this one!
a red toy poodle
it looks so much like a bear!
look at its stubby legs!!
i want this or an orang utan:)

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