You know just like when Harry Potter picked up his wand at Ollivanders.

It's been such a long time. I cant belive ive slack off that long.
I wonder if Macritchie, sans me became a better place?
Story of my life, cause im lazy like that.
PPT and tennis session in school today.
And i would have to say that i wasn't as bad at tennis as i had expected as i havent touched my tennis racquet since before the exams?
I threw a ball at a person's head today during PPT.
He asked for the ball and i threw it to him but he didnt catch it. The ball bounced straight off his head,upwards!
Imagine that scene. Funny, except that I would seem like someone who cant really throw a ball???
Again, story of my life!!
Anyway, my mum has been nagging at me to clear my wardrobe and room cause my pile of clothes i brought back from hall is still untouched since i have moved back.
So yesterday, i decided to start on what i thought was the easiest to clear which are the towels.
I took the whole pile out and threw away the ones is didnt want and use anymore and re-folded the ones i use. And here is the final product!
A nice and neat towels section.
So if you havent noticed, most if not all of my towels are yellow in colour. Different shades of yellow but nonetheless yellow.
My family adopts this colour system for towels which i think is pretty interesting and effective. It is quite simple actually where everyone in the family has a different colour for their towels. So when my mum buys towels for us, she would pick out our specific colour.
Mine obviously is yellow.
Sister's is pink
Brother's is blue
Mum's is green and dad's is of an assorted colour.
So, with this great system in place, sorrting of the laundry is so easy and there's no discrepencies to as to whom this towel belongs to!
Just sharing a little something something which i thought is quite neat.
Is it only in my family? Or do some of you adopt the same system too??
Tell me about it!
Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!
What's that?
I think thats the sound of someone skiing down a mountain!!
I think im sleepy already!!!
Its 1:07am??
Probably the earliest i have slept this year!!
Dance with me people!!
Uh huh, oh yeah!!!!
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