but no....
recess was on the contrary more taxing on my poor body than the normal schooling week
First up, Sarah Genetic's birthday bash at Aloha Loyang
Just one word
Not smashing good figuratively, but literally smashing
A truckload of booze was bought for the highlight of the night called "power hour"
Basically, we down half a cup of beer every minute for the next hour and the last man standing wins
Halfway through the game, beer ran out and we switched it to tequila and whisky instead
This was when the disaster started happenning
People got so drunk esp Gay, he started Judo-ing everyone he could lay his hands on onto the cement floor
Poor Sarah had a huge bump on her forehead so much that she looked like a "luo han" fish and i asked her for 4 lucky numbers
The 32 bucks four leaves cake that i was dying to eat got thrown all over the floor and smashed into faces of ppl
Note to self and everyone in the class, PE ppl+ booze= diasaster
hence, next party, no alcohol or alternatively, bring a straight jacket to belt Gay up first.

Tao jing me and Sumiko before the power hour!
Met up with besties at Marina square in the evening for a nice dinner to celebrate kassyn's 21st
Had dinner at secret recipe and dessert at Bakerz inn
Meeting up with them is always fun
Just learnt that Mei Mei is a psyduck cause she like to confuse ppl with her confusion power!!
Marcus and i couldnt stop laughing
i have no idea why.
Next up after dinner with besties, Fishing with Junyang and friends
We fished from night till 7am in the morning at this paid pond at lakeside
I must say, i didnt start off well
But, as the night progressed, i managed to catch 2 sea bass
not bad for a non regular fisher huh?
Got bored as the night progressed and thank god for music and Jy's itouch
It doesnt suck as much as i say it does la!
this is me with my trophy, the fish itself.
Quite huge in my opinion.

Felt quite bad for the fishes
cause all in all, we managed to haul 10 fishes altogether
which was way more than what we needed.
Went home and slept till 1230 only to realise i was late for the movie marathon with the PPGs
Changed and rushed out to meet melati and sarah at Ehub
We caught The Ugly truth and Fame
Ugly Truth was awesome
Fame was shit ass
They didnt even sing the Fame song at all??!!
I just realised that recess is oficially over
in a flash!!!
Im tired
But i had fun
beter sleep through the weekends before school starts again
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