Well, i wanna talk about pet peeves today.
For the convenience of some, pet peeves are minor annoyances that an individual identifies as particular annoying.
Personally, i do have certain pet peeves that never fail to tick me off like a atomic nuclear time reactor.
I am sure everyone does, but to what degree and how anal it is, is what i am interested in.
To cut to the chase, i think I've got some pretty ridiculous ones going but who doesn't right?
So here is my list, and maybe, you guys can comment on it to let me know?
1. Crumpled clothes
This is placed number 1 for a very very good reason.
I freaking cant stand the sight of crumpled clothes on myself or anyone else for the matter.
It just screams plain sloppiness on top of extremely bad fashion sense.
Clothes are meant to be straight and neat looking.
Take for example, this shirt.

I just wanna take a steam iron to straighten out the wrinkles right now.
Speaking of fashion, whoever who came up with the wrinkled look ought to be shot, cause it just makes the wearer looks untidy and unkempt
And speaking of iron, the iron in hall is missing cause the ironing room is under costruction. I've got tonnes of PE shorts and shirts that i cant wear cause they are too wrinkled for my good.
Sarah genetic can vouch for that im sure.
Does anyone share the same view?
Get me an iron now. NOW.
2. Still air
I know.
Half of you reading this must be thinking i am outta my mind to be picking a fight with the air??
But seriouslly, when I stay in a room with no ventilation at all, it just feels like a pair of invisible hands is choking me with a vice like grip.

No kidding.
Even when the weather is cold, the fan still has to be turned on at least at the minimum speed to get the air moving.
So, remember that whenever i ask for aircon or fan i am not being a princess it just that.. you know...i really really want to breathe.
Thank you.
3. Air fresheneror anything aerosol

Still along the lines of the air quality.
Aerosol products does something to my alveoli in my lungs.
Be it an armani smelling air freshener, or a baygon insecticide, they just smell the same to me. Bad
Basically, if you try to find the correlation value between me and aerosol spray products, it'll probably be a low 0.000000001.
4. Breaking of promises
If you promise me something, you better come through your part of the deal, or i would choke slam and swanton bomb you to the ground.
Hate people who break their promises
Likewise, i try to keep to every single promises that i have made to the best of my abilities.
They say "do unto others what you want others to do unto you" right??
5. Tehhh-ing girls
This is not a personal attack to some PPG, but just dont do it to me.
You can manipulate mojo jojo for all you want
I get very uncomfortable when i see girls teh.
It is probably the independent woman inside of my gagging herself when i see a girl teh to anyone at all.
I dont disapprove of it. I just dont wanna be near or part of it somehow.
I guess its not so much of a bad thing, cause a certain PPG has proven that tehhing gets you what you want very effectively.
I should probably learnt the trick of the trade too.
And the list goes on...
This is all that i can think of now.
But being so anal, i guess i must have missed out alot more.
Mum dad and gina are back from their Party in the USA
I've got presents!!
Mum got me this lovely Ralph Lauren Polo tee in pink
and a pink coach wallet
loving the wallet alot
eveyone.. meet coach:)

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