Monday, October 27, 2008

reality check

the ntu canoeing team had a friendly competition with SP canoeing team yesterday and boy was it an eye opener.
cause we got thrashed big time,
by young poly kids.

well first of all i have to say that i am well aware that my land and water fitness has dropped exponentially needless to say how i am always missing trianing for both legitimate and non legitimate reasons. (i know they dont belive i am sick every other week too)
Plus the fact that trainings has been quite unchallanging for me,
starting with the fact that
1)i am lifting not even half the weights that i used to lift,
2)my running speedis that of a geisha's speed
3)my water speed i know can be improved ALOT more
4)i am allowing myself to skip training for the slightest dryness of my throat or a premonition of a fever which is never accurate
henc i am having a very difficult time convincing myself to go for trainings, both land and water training which is weird beacause i used to live for the water, my boat and paddle.
and now. they are just nothing but a mere tool for me to float and move on the water.

i am exteremely appalled by my change in attitude towards the sport i love so dearly and i up till yesterday i still feel nothing was wrong.
the thing is i have been thinking about this issue at times, like when im stonning or taking a break while studying or when the boring lecturer is talking about some flatworm that i am totally disgusted by.
however i realised i have never proceeded from that point, taken any action what-so-ever to solve this whole problem

i used to feel very good about myself as an athlethe i mean.
i used to run quite fast, top 5 in my jc at least for 2.4
i used to be the best, most competitive canoeist around
but that is all so not true now.
This whole self confidence thing especially in something you specialise in is so important to me as a PE teacher because i have to be really good, in fact, the best at all these to be able to teach my students with confidence and pride.
i dont want to be clocking 12 mins for my 2.4 and expect them to do a 10?

and so ive been thinking alot and i've came to some conclusions and somehow i will try to rectify it hopefully
regarding my fitness, its all about training. i remember telling myself that canoeist are so versatile cause we can run damn fast, we are strong, and we can paddle even faster.
this wholesome training is missing in my life right now and i have to find someway to fix it.

well, i think its not all about me too.
seeing everyone on my team including myself get defeated wasn't easy to swallow.
i was very upset that we had to go through all that and still be positive about the whole situation.
how can we? we're from the university and we just lost to poly students.
the team is definitely not getting enough training or training wrongly.
i used t have 2 land and 1 water training to. But back then i felt so much stronger
i can tell that the team is very motivate to train but sometimes training smart is more important.

The juniors in my opinion should be taught as a whole the correct stroking techiniques and body motions to maximise their training later on.
there is no point making them go out and row 14km with lousy incorrect strokes and calling it a day.
and further more, right now, i don't even think they know what a proper stroke is and what major muscles should be involved in the stroke.
how can one build a tall tower when the foundation are all wobbly and made of paper instead of rods and cement?
Seniors are training very hard i can tell but maybe they too started with poor fiundations too, which is why the improvement curve is go gentle.

well. too many probabilities are going on in my mind now and i dont think i can continue listing all the stuff down.
i shall do some deep thought on my own first and continue with this reality check.
After exams, i am so gonna train so hard

p.s: happy deepavali to all.
pps: i STILL dont understand why there must be a seperate girls and guys team and even jerseys. havent anyone heard of the 1 versus 10 chopstick breaking story??

i miss training hard tgt as "A" team and playing even harder after that. boo:(
i think i have a problem with authority, everything has to be done my way or the high way.
but i my way makes sense, den why not right??

i love you guys, but not the system. but i know its improving.
lets all move ahead one step at a time.
i am really inspired by this video i saw some time ago from Miss Lim
i hope you all can get some inspiration from it too
i'll see you guys after the exams and hopefully we CAN work things out


Anonymous said...


Jacqueline said...

next time you may wanna try commenting in english cause i dont read vietnamese. :)

Anonymous said...

if you are not there at training, how are you so sure there was nothing taught to the team about technique, etc?

its easy to find fault and criticize everything. anyone can do that, it doesn't require much effort.

you are right that the team is trying, striving to improve. well, at least they are doing something, not sitting back, doing nothing and criticize

Anonymous said...

the friendly is a good wake up call for the team to train hard and improve. it will motivate some to train harder, it will result in some re-evaluating and giving up. the team will prepare better for the next race. hope you be with us.


Jacqueline said...

dear anonymous.(although i can guess who you are already)
i dont think you have read my entry clearly, but this is certaintly not a flamming post on the team.
i have no intention of doing that and i dont think i "criticized" anyone or anything like you have said except for the system, which i mentioned is improving.
if there is anything i wanna do, it is to make this team a stronger and more cohesive one which will make training for everyone and me an easier and more enjoyable one. I will do something about it if i am given a chance to start with. Maybe it is the lack of tone in this post? but i was writing something to encourage us to work towards to which is to focus on our technique which i personally think is very crucial and see lacking in most of the people. I dunno why you have taken this post so offensively and i am still trying to figure out which part of my post is rude in anyway. like matt has said, this friendly is for us to re evaluate our training programmes and value system and this is what i have done on a personal and private basis only to receive a response like that when i am not expecting one in the first place. how are we to evaluate on a bigger scale if just a single opinion is eliciting such a huge reaction?
anyway, if you're offended in anyway or with anything, you can just tell me and i will take it down but so far i cant find any.this blog is just a tiny anvenue for me to note stuff down and i have never expected a hoard of people reading it. even if the post was directed to the team, i would never expect anyone to be reading them expect for myself and a bunch of my close friends who have no relation to canoeing at all.
however if its the fact that i am missing training, then i apologise for it. as i have mentioned, it is now a challange for me to go for training because i see no incentive in it. i would need your help in that to get me all excited about training again hopefully.

confused and a little shocked

Anonymous said...

dont' be a wet blanket anonymous no 1 !

Anonymous said...


It's very common to find people suddenly lose their motivation to paddle once entering university.

Why? Because life gets very comfortable. Look at it this way,

1- You are doing the course you wanted ( So you are having fun studying)

2- You think that you are an adult now (So you rule the world)

3- Hostel. New found FREEDOM

This comfortable environment is very very scary because it entraps you before you even realise it and there can only be 2 outcome.

1- You fade out (that's me)
2- You become the best ( Top SG canoeists have always been from UNIs)

Understanding that you are in a rut is the first and easiest step. Kicking yourself outta it is the next.

I see you have wonderful teammates (based on the many concern comments.. haha), bond with them, find someone to train with. it often make things alot simpler.

At the end of the day, if there are things you still want to achieve, do your best and get it.

sji *thick eye brow* captain

Jacqueline said...

thanks for all the advices and comments ppl. but no comments anymore. this thing shld be put to rest. it was never meant to be something anyway. but apparently it caused some sort of uproar which i never expected and until now think is RIDICULOUS(quote me on that if you want- i dun care)
i have no intention of getting involved in "politics" in any sort of way.
as i have said before. it'll only be politics if you think it is politics. this post is mostly about how i can tell MYSELF to improve with one part mentioned about the team improving on their techniques.someday, you'll realise, canoeing may be an individual sport, but at the end of the day, you'll need the whole team to help you improve be it motivation wise or technique wise or just the simple team morale. and as athletes, ppl shld try to be less sensitive to criticism- cause thats how you improve.
PERIOD. okay. i rest my case here. no commenting anymore, before i really lose my mind and start punching random ppl in their faces

and p.s: stop circulating this post around. thanks for the advertisement. but i'd rather not.

p.p.s: i would not go around commenting on other ppl's blog cause i believe in "do unto others what you want others to do unto you" coincidental it may seem. but that person is DEFINITELY not me.

**Comments are banned from here onwards. if you do comment, you shall never win a medal in your canoeing career and fail your final exams**( srry i had to resort to this)