the heart wrenching stort of the two star crossed lovers Romoe and Juliet
This time it ended well and it comes with a song!
i've listened to this song like a hundred times already
and i'm still replaying
someone help me
the one problem i have is that romeo is a little ugly in the video.
but the lyrics is maple syrup sweet
We were both young when I first saw you
I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
So, I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh oh
Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "stay away from Juliet"
But you were my everything to me
I was begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me
They try to tell me how I feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
I s this in my headI don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
reality check
the ntu canoeing team had a friendly competition with SP canoeing team yesterday and boy was it an eye opener.
cause we got thrashed big time,
by young poly kids.
well first of all i have to say that i am well aware that my land and water fitness has dropped exponentially needless to say how i am always missing trianing for both legitimate and non legitimate reasons. (i know they dont belive i am sick every other week too)
Plus the fact that trainings has been quite unchallanging for me,
starting with the fact that
1)i am lifting not even half the weights that i used to lift,
2)my running speedis that of a geisha's speed
3)my water speed i know can be improved ALOT more
4)i am allowing myself to skip training for the slightest dryness of my throat or a premonition of a fever which is never accurate
henc i am having a very difficult time convincing myself to go for trainings, both land and water training which is weird beacause i used to live for the water, my boat and paddle.
and now. they are just nothing but a mere tool for me to float and move on the water.
i am exteremely appalled by my change in attitude towards the sport i love so dearly and i up till yesterday i still feel nothing was wrong.
the thing is i have been thinking about this issue at times, like when im stonning or taking a break while studying or when the boring lecturer is talking about some flatworm that i am totally disgusted by.
however i realised i have never proceeded from that point, taken any action what-so-ever to solve this whole problem
i used to feel very good about myself as an athlethe i mean.
i used to run quite fast, top 5 in my jc at least for 2.4
i used to be the best, most competitive canoeist around
but that is all so not true now.
This whole self confidence thing especially in something you specialise in is so important to me as a PE teacher because i have to be really good, in fact, the best at all these to be able to teach my students with confidence and pride.
i dont want to be clocking 12 mins for my 2.4 and expect them to do a 10?
and so ive been thinking alot and i've came to some conclusions and somehow i will try to rectify it hopefully
regarding my fitness, its all about training. i remember telling myself that canoeist are so versatile cause we can run damn fast, we are strong, and we can paddle even faster.
this wholesome training is missing in my life right now and i have to find someway to fix it.
well, i think its not all about me too.
seeing everyone on my team including myself get defeated wasn't easy to swallow.
i was very upset that we had to go through all that and still be positive about the whole situation.
how can we? we're from the university and we just lost to poly students.
the team is definitely not getting enough training or training wrongly.
i used t have 2 land and 1 water training to. But back then i felt so much stronger
i can tell that the team is very motivate to train but sometimes training smart is more important.
The juniors in my opinion should be taught as a whole the correct stroking techiniques and body motions to maximise their training later on.
there is no point making them go out and row 14km with lousy incorrect strokes and calling it a day.
and further more, right now, i don't even think they know what a proper stroke is and what major muscles should be involved in the stroke.
how can one build a tall tower when the foundation are all wobbly and made of paper instead of rods and cement?
Seniors are training very hard i can tell but maybe they too started with poor fiundations too, which is why the improvement curve is go gentle.
well. too many probabilities are going on in my mind now and i dont think i can continue listing all the stuff down.
i shall do some deep thought on my own first and continue with this reality check.
After exams, i am so gonna train so hard
p.s: happy deepavali to all.
pps: i STILL dont understand why there must be a seperate girls and guys team and even jerseys. havent anyone heard of the 1 versus 10 chopstick breaking story??
i miss training hard tgt as "A" team and playing even harder after that. boo:(
i think i have a problem with authority, everything has to be done my way or the high way.
but i my way makes sense, den why not right??
i love you guys, but not the system. but i know its improving.
lets all move ahead one step at a time.
i am really inspired by this video i saw some time ago from Miss Lim
i hope you all can get some inspiration from it too
i'll see you guys after the exams and hopefully we CAN work things out
cause we got thrashed big time,
by young poly kids.
well first of all i have to say that i am well aware that my land and water fitness has dropped exponentially needless to say how i am always missing trianing for both legitimate and non legitimate reasons. (i know they dont belive i am sick every other week too)
Plus the fact that trainings has been quite unchallanging for me,
starting with the fact that
1)i am lifting not even half the weights that i used to lift,
2)my running speedis that of a geisha's speed
3)my water speed i know can be improved ALOT more
4)i am allowing myself to skip training for the slightest dryness of my throat or a premonition of a fever which is never accurate
henc i am having a very difficult time convincing myself to go for trainings, both land and water training which is weird beacause i used to live for the water, my boat and paddle.
and now. they are just nothing but a mere tool for me to float and move on the water.
i am exteremely appalled by my change in attitude towards the sport i love so dearly and i up till yesterday i still feel nothing was wrong.
the thing is i have been thinking about this issue at times, like when im stonning or taking a break while studying or when the boring lecturer is talking about some flatworm that i am totally disgusted by.
however i realised i have never proceeded from that point, taken any action what-so-ever to solve this whole problem
i used to feel very good about myself as an athlethe i mean.
i used to run quite fast, top 5 in my jc at least for 2.4
i used to be the best, most competitive canoeist around
but that is all so not true now.
This whole self confidence thing especially in something you specialise in is so important to me as a PE teacher because i have to be really good, in fact, the best at all these to be able to teach my students with confidence and pride.
i dont want to be clocking 12 mins for my 2.4 and expect them to do a 10?
and so ive been thinking alot and i've came to some conclusions and somehow i will try to rectify it hopefully
regarding my fitness, its all about training. i remember telling myself that canoeist are so versatile cause we can run damn fast, we are strong, and we can paddle even faster.
this wholesome training is missing in my life right now and i have to find someway to fix it.
well, i think its not all about me too.
seeing everyone on my team including myself get defeated wasn't easy to swallow.
i was very upset that we had to go through all that and still be positive about the whole situation.
how can we? we're from the university and we just lost to poly students.
the team is definitely not getting enough training or training wrongly.
i used t have 2 land and 1 water training to. But back then i felt so much stronger
i can tell that the team is very motivate to train but sometimes training smart is more important.
The juniors in my opinion should be taught as a whole the correct stroking techiniques and body motions to maximise their training later on.
there is no point making them go out and row 14km with lousy incorrect strokes and calling it a day.
and further more, right now, i don't even think they know what a proper stroke is and what major muscles should be involved in the stroke.
how can one build a tall tower when the foundation are all wobbly and made of paper instead of rods and cement?
Seniors are training very hard i can tell but maybe they too started with poor fiundations too, which is why the improvement curve is go gentle.
well. too many probabilities are going on in my mind now and i dont think i can continue listing all the stuff down.
i shall do some deep thought on my own first and continue with this reality check.
After exams, i am so gonna train so hard
p.s: happy deepavali to all.
pps: i STILL dont understand why there must be a seperate girls and guys team and even jerseys. havent anyone heard of the 1 versus 10 chopstick breaking story??
i miss training hard tgt as "A" team and playing even harder after that. boo:(
i think i have a problem with authority, everything has to be done my way or the high way.
but i my way makes sense, den why not right??
i love you guys, but not the system. but i know its improving.
lets all move ahead one step at a time.
i am really inspired by this video i saw some time ago from Miss Lim
i hope you all can get some inspiration from it too
i'll see you guys after the exams and hopefully we CAN work things out
Sunday, October 26, 2008
why am i still awake?
my body clock is so screwed up.
have been up for almost 48 whole hrs from wednesday to friday in name of two projects that were due on that very day.
i never knew i was capable of staying awake for such a long period of time.
but the problem now is my body clock is kinda screwed up and i have gotten in alot of trouble since.
Friday evening was Barker's run.
After bio practical, i went back to hall to change into my running gear and running shoes. Since it was only 6, and i had to reach sch at 630, i sat on the bed already with my shoes on and everything, ready to go and all.
However, when i woke up, it was already 730 and i had like 100 missed calls from my pe classmates, who i guess were wondering where the heck i was.
this is so bad.
i didnt even hear the numerous calls they gave me in my sleep.
i was probabaly knocked out or something.
Anyway, my class got overall champion for the run, so they probably would forgive me i hope.
Was supposed to have training on saturday morning,
but as usual, i didnt hear the alarm and woke up after a phone call from my teamate.
I hope this late coming thing would all end soon.
maybe after today or something.
I'm supposed to wake up at 6am to reach macrichie at 745 today.
no sleep for me again i guess.
today only.
have been up for almost 48 whole hrs from wednesday to friday in name of two projects that were due on that very day.
i never knew i was capable of staying awake for such a long period of time.
but the problem now is my body clock is kinda screwed up and i have gotten in alot of trouble since.
Friday evening was Barker's run.
After bio practical, i went back to hall to change into my running gear and running shoes. Since it was only 6, and i had to reach sch at 630, i sat on the bed already with my shoes on and everything, ready to go and all.
However, when i woke up, it was already 730 and i had like 100 missed calls from my pe classmates, who i guess were wondering where the heck i was.
this is so bad.
i didnt even hear the numerous calls they gave me in my sleep.
i was probabaly knocked out or something.
Anyway, my class got overall champion for the run, so they probably would forgive me i hope.
Was supposed to have training on saturday morning,
but as usual, i didnt hear the alarm and woke up after a phone call from my teamate.
I hope this late coming thing would all end soon.
maybe after today or something.
I'm supposed to wake up at 6am to reach macrichie at 745 today.
no sleep for me again i guess.
today only.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
you do not belong to this class. do you?
that was what dr teo said to me when i appeared at the anatomy room at 1045am when lesson was supposed to be at 930am
outrageously late is all i have to say
i told her i simply didnt hear my alarm ring and was really apologetic
and surprisingly she accepted it
yay her!
dr teo is way cool. which was why i was feeling so guilty because i was actually looking forward to attending growth and motor class.
Dr teo is so interactive and fun cause she includes everyone in her teaching and uses idiot proof analogies and examples
instead of only reading from the slides and only engaging with the usual few students in class.
(i know who)
solli solli.
i shant be late for class again.
outrageously late is all i have to say
i told her i simply didnt hear my alarm ring and was really apologetic
and surprisingly she accepted it
yay her!
dr teo is way cool. which was why i was feeling so guilty because i was actually looking forward to attending growth and motor class.
Dr teo is so interactive and fun cause she includes everyone in her teaching and uses idiot proof analogies and examples
instead of only reading from the slides and only engaging with the usual few students in class.
(i know who)
solli solli.
i shant be late for class again.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i do not wish to be part of this affair
yet i always seem to be
i see things i wish to change
yet i can't do anything about it
its all a game
the survival of the fittest, the flirtiest, the outspoken
i don't wanna be part of it
yet, im always there
i think way too much i guess
but i always wonder don't the others see it too?
this popularity game
its so tiring
its so shallow
the guys chase, the girls sways
they change their mind
and it starts again
its always a cycle
i see it. don't all of you?
i guess we all do
but like all of you
only here i speak of it
i guess deep down inside
i would go
but looking at those detached,
i see a lonely soul
which im not prepared to go
so for now
i carry on
yet i always seem to be
i see things i wish to change
yet i can't do anything about it
its all a game
the survival of the fittest, the flirtiest, the outspoken
i don't wanna be part of it
yet, im always there
i think way too much i guess
but i always wonder don't the others see it too?
this popularity game
its so tiring
its so shallow
the guys chase, the girls sways
they change their mind
and it starts again
its always a cycle
i see it. don't all of you?
i guess we all do
but like all of you
only here i speak of it
i guess deep down inside
i would go
but looking at those detached,
i see a lonely soul
which im not prepared to go
so for now
i carry on
Saturday, October 11, 2008
ICG floorball
interclass floorball has come to a closure last night
this was by far the best interclass game we have had since the term started.
and also the best results too
we came in second
but only because the diploma team has the South East Asia floorball mvp on their side.
like kumar said: "the final game was more like degree year 1 versus hafiz"
other than a sense of statisfaction and a pat on the back for a job well done for most of us,
we all have to agree that shaun was the man of the night
because he went home with
this was by far the best interclass game we have had since the term started.
and also the best results too
we came in second
but only because the diploma team has the South East Asia floorball mvp on their side.
like kumar said: "the final game was more like degree year 1 versus hafiz"
other than a sense of statisfaction and a pat on the back for a job well done for most of us,
we all have to agree that shaun was the man of the night
because he went home with
a chipped tooth!
this is competitiveness for all of you man.
he took a whack from a floorball stick with his teeth
you the man shaun, you the man.
Monday, October 06, 2008
miranda the house and not the orange drink
never had house loyalty or what so ever.
right back when i was in primary school, house system to me was just a convenient way the school devides the school population into to promote more interactio between different levels and class-but always seems to fail.
in Gongshang primary school, i was in purple hse
in Damai secondary, i was from achievers
and finally in Meridian i was from the Miranda house.
No doubt i have tried to participate in house activities like the annual track meet and house get togethers or whatever. The house i was in never really mattered to me.
probably the only thing i was concerned with was the design of the house shirt.
If the house has a shitty shirt, i would probably be quite bummed for like 15 mins and thats the end of it,
i chanced upon this recent video on the Meridian Open house, house dance which i have to say MIRANDA ROCKED THE SOCKS OFF ALL HOUSES!!
the choreography, the energy was off the hook
i can imagine Miss Lim's proud face right now
i am too
the house enthu girl has finally come out of me but a year too late i suppose.
why dont they have this kinda stuff while i was in there man?
anyway, check out the video
miranda rocks.
atlas, triton, callisto and phobos sucks(i suppose thats what a pro miranda is supposed to say right?)
anyway, i meant the house and not the name atlas and triton because its still gonna be my future sons' name.
i better get back to my essay
miranda rocks!!!(sticks out tongue and does the funny rockers hand sign)
right back when i was in primary school, house system to me was just a convenient way the school devides the school population into to promote more interactio between different levels and class-but always seems to fail.
in Gongshang primary school, i was in purple hse
in Damai secondary, i was from achievers
and finally in Meridian i was from the Miranda house.
No doubt i have tried to participate in house activities like the annual track meet and house get togethers or whatever. The house i was in never really mattered to me.
probably the only thing i was concerned with was the design of the house shirt.
If the house has a shitty shirt, i would probably be quite bummed for like 15 mins and thats the end of it,
i chanced upon this recent video on the Meridian Open house, house dance which i have to say MIRANDA ROCKED THE SOCKS OFF ALL HOUSES!!
the choreography, the energy was off the hook
i can imagine Miss Lim's proud face right now
i am too
the house enthu girl has finally come out of me but a year too late i suppose.
why dont they have this kinda stuff while i was in there man?
anyway, check out the video
miranda rocks.
atlas, triton, callisto and phobos sucks(i suppose thats what a pro miranda is supposed to say right?)
anyway, i meant the house and not the name atlas and triton because its still gonna be my future sons' name.
i better get back to my essay
miranda rocks!!!(sticks out tongue and does the funny rockers hand sign)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
before it ends
and yes,
lemme say again

you can fart and burp infront of me.
but i prefer less farting
love ya!!!
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