294 TAMPINES ST 22 09-598 SINGAPORE 520294
I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the Physical Proficiency Test conducted by the National Institute of Education.
The relevant details are as follows:
Total Score : 9
(minimum score to hit is 9!!!)
after the bad ball possession game, i actually passed the PPT!!
some stupid ball possesion game was part of the test where there will be two teams playing, attacking and defending, period.
No scores, no goals, nothing
So basically, you just pass the ball around until the umpire blows his whistle
being the first team to be called, i was kinda psyched up and all ready to go.
having the basic knowledge of a ball possesion game, the rule was to run to open space hoping that ur teamates are smart enough to pass the ball to you
But as with Murphy, my best friend recently who always says "anything that will go wrong, will go wrong", i have to say he is right
Stupid ppl on the team just refuse to throw the damn ball to the person in the open space
i felt like some fool running up and down the court
anyway, after a while, i got too pissed off, i just stood on the spot and rolled my eyes
only to regret what i had done cause i cant afford to fail any item in order to pass the whole Physical Proficieny Test.
But i guess, the rest of the items saved my butt.
so hengggggggggggg!!!
Once again as i do every night before bed,
i thank all devine powers on heaven and earth and outer space
Anyway, it is now day 3 of Roland Garros and i am so hooked on the TV till 1am every night/morning.
i'm betting all out for Sharapova now that Justine Henin, world nu,ber 1 has backed out of the open cause she wants to settle down(thats pretty dumb, cause the prize money is like worth millions of dollars)
and to top it all off, the ladies are all just clothed in the prettiest tennis dresses ever.
i just can't resist but to get the latest Sharapova Nike Paris Summer dress which is prettily embelished with a cute little bow at the chest area.
looks so cute, like a little english tea dress(but kinda fierce on the wallet)

and previously bgt from the US, my Sharapova US open 07 new york skyline dress in black and white

and lastly, the pretty and bold orange Nicole Vaidisova Reebok roland Garros Dress with a big bow at the back
I'm a happy girl for now
p.s: you know what i really want. Please work you magic again devine powers :))))
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