yes, i just turned 20 not too long ago.
feels kinda weird when u come to think about it.
It just the number two that just doesnt seem quite right for some reason.
also, being 20 makes me feel so awkward because i feel like i'm still a teen stuck with an "adult's" age for a start.
So, shld i act more mature and mellow?
or do i remain the crazy and careless?
talk about awkward
thanks everyone that made my birthday such a splendour.
this includes, Nicole, Jasmine, Wee lin, Kassyn and my home boy Marcus
and not forgetting my girls, Chelsea, Yan Yan and Pei Shi that gave me a big surprise the next day.(would've been bigger if not for some lazy ass)
anyway, i just had my NIE interview early this afternoon
and i have to say, it was like nothing that i expected
It was more like a chatting session than an interview which is both relieving and nerve wrecking at the same time
I mean there i was taking a day off before to prepare this page long speech about hw much i wanna be a teacher and all
But when i stepped into the room, i was instead asked very general questions and provided with some infomation as well
So i didnt really got to use what i had prepared the day before which worries me a little.
Anyway, till the day i get a letter, i'll be
wish and hoping and thinking and praying about being accepted into NIE
enjoy photos of my birthday and day out with the girls for tim sum!!

p.s: i got tired of uploading. for more tim sum pics pls click on chelsea, yy or pei shi's link ;-p
p.p.s: work is still a pain in the ass
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