this blog is so dead, i gotta do something about it.
Sometimes i wonder if i my strength was god given and not a result of me pumping iron like a nut for a good decade.
If you dont already know, my middle name is "destroyer" and i wholeheartedly accept it just because i really dont think there is any other word that is more apt in describing me.
It seems that everything i touch will end up non fucntional after a period of time and i am not shitting you on that.
As a kid, I was always very jealous of my sister.
My mum got her everything she wanted.
She got every bag, every clothing, every gadget everytime we went shopping.
On the other hand, poor me had to make deals with my mum or just wait for my sister to get bored of her awesome stuff and get her hand-me-downs, which would still make me very happy.
I was a very angry kid because of that beacuse I always wonder why was there this obvious favouritism shown.
Being a very outspoken kid i asked my mum a lot and the answer i would usually get is "You do not take care of the stuff i get you and they spoil too fast"
Actually I do not blame the woman.
That was a pretty fair statement.
If you find something that is broken at home, that will probably be me.
I dont know how i do it, but i swear i do not go aroung like a troll trying to club everything in my way.
It just happens.
Let me give you a play by play.
Dad's Camera:
The very first thing i destroyed was my dad's camera when i was 3 going 4?
My dad was an avid photographer when he was younger and he had many vintage cameras.
I spied one in the cabinet and took it out and dropped it imediately on the floor because it was too heavy.
Placed it back like nothing happened but got busted for it when my parents came home.
Probably when i was 4?
My dad left me at home with my maid and the new karaoke machine he got while he went to pick my sister up from school.
He picked the song "Cassablanca" (yes i still remember) and left.
I remember grooving to the song and suddenly i just dropped the microphone by accident.
i scurried to my room and pretended nothing happened only to get busted once more.
we had this old school looking phone where you turn the dial?
one day when my parents were out, i was rummaging through the store and found a screwdriver!
and where better to test my screwdriving skills than our telephone??
i took the phone apart and amazingly put it back together again.
Pretty smart for a 5 or 6 year old huh??
The thing was that my parents only found out about the the screwriver when someone called and the phone rang really weirdly.
Busted by the ringtone!
Porcelein cat:
We had a porceline cat beside that dreaded phone and i broke it.
No surprise
the thing is my maid didnt want to get into trouble too and so we teamed up and tried to glue the cat back together.
At first we thought we did such an awesome job and we confidently placed the cat back beside the phone
But apparently it was so shitty that the moment my mum came home she noticed it and as usual, i got a scolding or probably a beating for trying to hide what i have done.
So these incidents happened more than a decade ago and i cant really show you pictures, but how about something more recent?
My aircon tubing:

One night when it was pitch dark and i needed to go pee so badly, i stepped off my bed and stepped right on my aircon tubing.
Vacuum cleaner:

Since its the holidays, and my tutees are taking a break, i have no means of earning any money.
Being so broke, i made a deal with my mum.
She would pay me 10 bucks a day to vacuum the house.
So ive been vacuuming for 3 weeks now and this is what is left of the vacuum cleaner.
No head and broken at the neck.
Pinky face:

pinky face was given to me by melati and i love pinky face to bits!
Everyday in hall i will play with it and pinch it and squeeze it.
but one fine day i got too carried away and puncture a hole right into pinky's face well, face.
White powder puffed out of her face and i knew then she had left me and i was the cause.
I miss you pinky face!
You've been a great friend:(
im writing this post hoping that i would keep in mind that i am very very clumsy and destructive.
Hopefully i will stop destroying things that i lay my hands on cause its a freaking waste of money.
Soft fingers!
Gentle to touch!
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