First game is done and dusted!!
Looking back at the past seven months, I would have never known that I would make it till last saturday to start the game for such an awesome club.
I think i really thrive on positive reinforcement and I only have my teamates to thank for their generous showers of positivity towards my direction
Praise me, pat me on my back, rub my shoulders, give me a touch, smile at me, talk to me.
Elixirs that keeps me going despite that bitch of a knee and lungs that gasp for air after a short sprint- making me sound like an ashmatic rhino on the field for the most parts of the game.
Although this is only the start, you know what they say.
A good start is half the job done!
(but then they also say it isn't over till it's over??)
okay, cynical self aside I can't wait till the next game!
I figured although the dress may not fit perfectly now, im sure i'll grow into it in time.
I shall not waste time moping and thinking about negative stuff
But In the meantime, i'll be on autopilot in school. (ugh!)
Best advice I've heard so far:
"Heros are not made overnight. Play fearlessly and play with your instinct. The rest will come with time."
Amen to that!
You have a calming effect over me.
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