Someone needs to do something about this Im going on a diet NAO!! (or maybe my hooker can try not to pull my already skin tight shirt up and my flank pull my thights down?) jas saying-pun totally intended.
First game is done and dusted!! WE DID IT! Looking back at the past seven months, I would have never known that I would make it till last saturday to start the game for such an awesome club. I think i really thrive on positive reinforcement and I only have my teamates to thank for their generous showers of positivity towards my direction Praise me, pat me on my back, rub my shoulders, give me a touch, smile at me, talk to me. Elixirs that keeps me going despite that bitch of a knee and lungs that gasp for air after a short sprint- making me sound like an ashmatic rhino on the field for the most parts of the game.
Although this is only the start, you know what they say. A good start is half the job done! (but then they also say it isn't over till it's over??) okay, cynical self aside I can't wait till the next game! I figured although the dress may not fit perfectly now, im sure i'll grow into it in time. I shall not waste time moping and thinking about negative stuff But In the meantime, i'll be on autopilot in school. (ugh!)
Best advice I've heard so far: "Heros are not made overnight. Play fearlessly and play with your instinct. The rest will come with time." Amen to that!
Have you wanted something so much that you think about it all the time? But when you finally get your hands on it, it is not what you thought it was? Dismally, I think I may still need some time to fit into the dress of my dreams. I need to shed some pounds, hem the length and alter the fit. Ergo-Im not ready to wear the dress yet.
Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again. - Douglas Adams
Dear left knee, you and I are gonna have some serious issues if you do not stop giving up on me when i need you the most. Just a few months and i'll fix you up i promise! stay with me!
The awkward moment when Wing is talking about some highly complex rugby move and all i can picture in my head is my primeape friend. It usually visits during new and unfamiliar drills- or when i am playing touch. Other than that it just stays home. But I am getting better though, The monekey just shuffles on the spot now cause the cymbals are to heavy to be carrying out all the time, or so it says Weakling. ###############################################################################
On a side note, is anyone watching switched at birth on Starworld? Its really quite a nice show plus you get to learn how to sign along the way. This song closed one of the episodes and i really like it. Have a listen:)
Stranger I've known you for so long I found you lost with a compass in the fog Stranger you know me too much Illusionary-self had not be touched, until you
Humming Hallelujah in the dark Whispered poems leave you to be Humming Hallelujah in the night The sun might rise, as sometimes does it fall
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Stranger you've followed me so far Until the roads converged, as did the stars Stranger the moon looks blue tonight Your photo framed, raw within my mind, but not tonight
Humming Hallelujah in the dark Whispered poems leave you to be Humming Hallelujah in the night The sun might rise, as sometimes does it fall
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Humming Hallelujah in the dark Whispered poems leave you to be Humming Hallelujah in the night The sun might rise, as sometimes does it fall
p.s: its saturday and im at home?! the stars must be aligned today!
I cant get my mind off you. Everytime I'm not with you, i feel uneasy and sad Everytime i walk away from you, i count down to the day when i see you again You are like this cancer that is spreading through my body- malignant but my cells still scream for you. Why do you have this power over me? I'm consumed! but i love it <3