Monday, December 05, 2011


Its amazing how gossip always manage to bring a bunch of women together at the end of the day.
Although i had my reservations about bootcamp, I am really glad to say that i enjoyed every minute of it.
Yes, even the part when i was running around the carpark and my canter short were slicing my fat thighs like it was beef carpaccio.
Boy did that hurt!

Take-homes from the camp:

1. ALWAYS wear tights with rugby shorts or be prepared to walk like a duck post training.(or maybe just buy bigger shorts jacq! you are not as skinny as you think you are)

2. Likes and dislikes of my team mates. I feel like i know a bit more about them. Yu hui's favourite movie is "a walk to remember", Tao secretly wants to be a winger and Jas loves Bob Marley!(but then again who doesn't??? Its raggae maan!)

3. The international sign for Jacqueline is to flex your biceps.

4. Gina is a complete nutter inside and outside and i love her for that.(secretly, i wished i was like her too)

5. I like to run straight into a defender when you are carrying a ball. CHANGE!

6. I need to speak up more. (EVERYONE(every single one) TOLD ME THAT IN THEIR HAMBURGER SPEECH)

7. Apparently I have a very good temper and i deserve an award for that! YAY ME!

8. People who wants to be stuck on an island with me thinks that i can build a raft for them. Somehow being a canoeist to them is equivalent to knowing how to build a floating device. Hmmm????

9. Rad really likes to eat sausages.

10. Orange is not really Tao's colour

At the end of the day, I always come home only to realise that my love for rugby has mutiplied that much again.
Next up, Perth!
It only gets better.

on a side note:
this song is stuck in my head

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