So, Brandon won immunity and stupidly decides to give him immunity away to Albert and he got stabbed in the back by his tribe mates and sent to redmption.
Like seriously dude?
Where do i even start.
What angers me is that before he carried his torch to be snuffed out by the host, his allie Coach told him that God willed it and that it was God's decision that he gets sent to redemption.
First of all,
You won immunity from the vote, keep it!
Just because you prayed about it and heard a voice telling you to give it up doesnt mean it is the best decision.
I actually think Brandon deserved the boot just cause he is so stupid and perhaps he didnt fulfil the outwitting part of the game.
I would consider survivor to be one of the most raw reality program that is on tv right now just because every action and emotion comes directly from the contestants and not scripted by the producers.
It is really amazing to see how people play the social game either by lying and cheating their way through or just being the nice person.
Either way, i really appreciate smart play and the players choose the hats they want to put on to inch a little closer to the million dollar prize.
Now, russel hantz is the devil and he stabs everyone in the back very cleverly and i love him for that because at least he is honest about being the bad guy.
Coach however, is playing this holy man crap that i really cannot stand right now.
Since he is an all star player the newer players put him on a pedastal and he automatically took over the reins of the tribe.
He talks about loyalty, courage, honesty and basically everything that is good in the world.
But this dude doesnt pratice what he preaches a single bit and what is worst!
He claims that God wills it!
Like if you wanna do something bad, man up and take responsibility of it.
How different is he from a suicide bomber who claims that he is killing people just because God wills it as well??
Just because you claim that the intention is not from you, so you dont have to feel bad?
This is so ridiculous i feel like gagging.
And just because i realised that Coach is a perfect example of what a lot of people are doing since the beginning of time.
Pushing the blame to God/or someone else just to take the heat off them.
AND, people actually buy that.
Crusaders, Twin tower attacks and so many more.
I think people should start realising that nobody in this universe controls their actions other than themselves.
So for every action you do, you've gotta think of the consequence that you and noone else will incur because newton's law of motion states that:
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.Its plain physics and not supernatural.
Anywaym, if Coach wins survivor, i might just find something else to watch after following this show more than a decade.
Seriously, if its one thing that i hate, it would be cowards like him.
Lets all turn into orang utans instead.
They are so much kinder and less menacing.

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