first training in a long time and i cant believe i manage to completely blow it thanks to a tiny sandwich.
i have never felt so miserable and whoozy while performing a physical activity until this training came along.
10 minutes into fitness, my vision started getting fuzzy and the i couldnt run straight anymore.
tried to tahan until i heard the word wheelbarrow!!!
i can only imagine how being in that position would only allow the stupid sandwich to exit almost too easily
so.. i threw in the towel.
i seriously felt really bad about myself cause i knew i shouldve eaten more in the day and not wait till an hr before training to have ur first meal on a training day.
bad idea jacq.
and the sandwich?? you are forever banned from sandwich list.
just in case u guy wanna know, its from Yamazaki at tamp 1.
jacq.... its time to step it up a notch!!!!!
i hate being mediocre.
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