You see, number 1, i was exhilarated that the conversation had nothing to do with the nether regions nor copulation because it seems that i noticed a trend which is so strong that i can plot a linear equation graph based on the conversations that Kumar is in, it is always abt SEX or hell-period.
So anyway, i was happy we were having a more intellectual conversation at that moment.
Number 2, i wanted so much to prove that i was right about the topic.
Okay, we were talking about my previous post about the ancient aliens and all and for some reason we digress into indian mythology.
So i mentioned that Shiva the destroyer was a goddess instead of a god.
Being the closet hindu that he is (cause he would rather die than admit it but i know he is)he immediately told me that Shiva is a man and not a lady and that i was wrong.
Well, i am wrong.
After wiki-ing, I found out that Shiva is in fact a man.
But somewhere along his life, he kinda combined bodies with his wife to become this half man and half woman.
Like literally half, symetrical bilaterally.
Like that.

So, you cant blame me for mistaking Shiva as a woman.
I swear i saw the word goddess in my history textbook when i was in Sec 1 if my memory didnt fail me.
It was this statue, i remember which was in the book.

which man on earth can bend the leg till this angle?
and the butt sticking like that??
cannot blame me along with the other 6.02 x 10^23 ppl who mistook him for a female
Well, to add on the other two of the ppgs were not helping cause they insited that Shiva is a male as well.
So what do you do?
You ask!!
I stopped random ppl walking by our table in the canteen and ask them if they think that Shiva is a man or a woman.
We got the whole lot. Some said man and some said woman.
My stand is it doesnt even matter if people know that Shiva is a God or Goddess for the matter.
The fact is that the name Shiva shounds feminine on its own.
Even without an prior knowledge, i am sure there will be people who would think that the bearer of that name is a female.
Any name ending with a -va sounds feminine.
But sadly the english teacher (Sarah Jeanetix) disagreed
She said that -va is a very strong sound and hence makes the name musculine.
Here is my rebuttal:
1. Lady Godiva

the famous noble woman who rode nake on the saddle through the streets of England.
or, that chocolate shop.
2. Maria Sharapova

epitome of a female.
young, successful, pretty, rich
She makes me go, sigh.
lovvvvve this dress btw.
3. Elva Tsiao

for the cheena ppl, im sure you know this singer
or the girl on tv airing her arm pits everywhere because she uses Rexona!
sidetracking, i read somewhere that anti perpirants blocks your pores and doesnt allows the toxins to exit your nodes which can cause cancer.
I stopped using deodorant/ anti perpirant since then
Phew ew.
stay away from me when im exercising i guess
4. All the Evas
that includes longoria and mendes.
still not convinced?
let me show you some empirical data
acording to satistics done there are more girls with names ending with a -va as compared to guys.
Trend of girls
if this were a song, it would be - up up here we go.

Trend of guys
this would be down down down down down - jay sean

so you see... its not that i wanna be right.
I just am- usually
they say that humility is a virtue
Tanks. Tanks very much
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