So i usually spend my fridays catching up on sleep, some or very little work and television of course.
It was around 4ish and there were no interesting programmes to watch so i kinda explored the different channels a little
What caught my eye was this show called "Acient Aliens" on The History Channel and so i decided to watch it since it was starting soon.
However, it was only a few minutes into the show that i realised that i have stumbled upon another amazing documentary thati just have to share with everyone.
The main theory that is proposed in the show is that alien astronauts from a long time ago, came to earth and helped man kind progressed with technology they bring from their highly advanced universe.
I know this may sound like hog wash and pretty unbelivable and trust me, the cynic in me was turned on 100% the moment i saw the word aliens
However, evidences that was shown to me in this show was simply too good to deny and right now, i kinda buy the whole alien astronaunt thing.
There are simply too many things that cannot be explained on Earth
From strange phenomenons to the ingenuity of man
I find these all very amazing and intriguing at the same time
Once again, my search for the next amazing documentary continues.
Here are some bites out of the doc to get you started:
1. Nazca desert lines
The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru created btw 400 to 650 BC
These lines are found on mountain plataues and resemble airplane landing strips
Other than this, there are many figures made which resembles hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas, llamas, and lizards.

These ancient giangantic drawings are very huge and span across many kilometers per drawing and hence can only be seen if you are flying across the sky.
The question is, why were these drawings created if no one could fly at that point in time?
2. The egyptian lightbulb
When the acient egyptians built the pyramid, many heiroglyps and pictures decorated the walls of the pyramid.
In the great pyramid of giza lies a highly guarded chamber which is only open to the high priest.
The conditions inside these chambers are dark and very poorly ventilated.
This means that for someone of that time period to walk in those chambers, they would need a light source which is probably in the form of a fire torch.
However, the amount of oxygen is so low deep withini the secret chambers, it its impossible to suport a flame at all.
How then did the acient egyptians walk through those pitch dark chambers without a light source?
In the guarded chambers, on one of the walls shows this picture

Looks like a light bulb isnt it?
3. The Pyramid of Giza
Do you know that it took the ancient egyptians 22 years to buid the pyramid of giza.
Each brick that makes the pyramid weighs about 2.5 tonnes.
If you do the math, this would mean that it takes 9 seconds for 1 brick to be cut, transported and placed onto the pyramid.
Amazing for that time period or did they have additional help?
4. Sarcophagus of Mayan King Pacal
You know about the Mayans right?
A very smart bunch of ppl that were way ahead of their time but disappeared all of a sudden
The Mayans had a king called Pacal whom they hold in high regard.
When he died, they built a pyramid for him and on his sarcophagus they caraved a picture which was supposed to symbolise his journey to the underworld
This is the picture

If you look closely, it looks like a man sitting in a capsule of a space shuttle isnt it?
Theres an oxygen mask on his noese, his hands are turning something and his foot is on some sort of a paddle.
At the bottom, you see fire spounting from the space shuttle as if its taking off.
Just for comparison, this is a picture of a real astronaut in a space shuttle ready for take off

Spotted anything similar?
Btw, in recent years, the king's tomb has been seal away and closed to visitors.
I wonder why.
I shall leave you with the 9 amazing parts of the documentary which i found on youtube.
Please watch it and decide for yourself.....
All videos credit to History channel
part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
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