And to entertaint Chelsea who is the only one who visits this forsaken url.
Im gonna come clean now.
I think i have an addcition
There, i said it. I am addicted to reality tv.
And i dont mean, "oooooh, im addicted to candy kinda addicted"
big time, the real macoy.
I just cant seem to stop watching reality television shows.
Just to steer this ship back from where it came from a little, i think reality tv gives me the thrill and excitement that scripted tv shows cant provide.
Just name it and i think its probably on my "to watch list" right now
Project runway season 8 check
Celebrity apprentice, check
ANTM cycle 15 check
Jon and kate plus 8, check
Keeping up with the kardashians season 5 check
Kourtney and Kim take New York, check
Strange addiction, check
Jersey Shore season 3, check
Survivor Redemption island, check
True beauty season 2, check
Master chef aust, us, junior, check
Kitchen nightmares, check
Hell's kitchen, check
and the list continues
One thing i am not gg to do is to call for an intervention because i wanna keep being a TV addict
And you know what?
I'm gonna try to convert some of you to start watching some of these awesome shows.
1. Survivor Redemption Island

This is number 1 on the list for a very goooooood reason. Survivor is like the queen mother of all reality shows.
I dont really know too many people who follow Survivor maybe except for Wee lin who is also an avid fan of the show since eons ago just like me.
22 seasons into the show and you'd think that people might grow tired of it already.
HEll NO! In fact, it gets more exciting
This season, when you get voted out, you dont go home and instead you go to redemption island where you can try to win your way back into the game.
How cool is that?
And whats more awesome is that Boston Rob and Russel are both back in the game.

These two great survivor talents definitely makes the game so much more exciting to watch and im am already looking forward anxiously to episode 2!
If you dont watch any on the list, at least try this one.
2. Jersey shore

I know.
Stupid show. But stupid good anyhow.
Why? Just becuase it makes me feel so smart compared to these fake new york italians.
For these bunch of people, their life is all about the GTL
Gym, Tan and Laundry.
Not to forget partying in clubs and having sex.
Soemtimes I feel like im watching a documentary about a of monkeys going about their daily routine.
You make yourself attractive (GTL) and then you attrat your mate through courtship and finally you copulate (club and sex)
I really envy their burdenless lives but most of the time i just laugh at their stupidity.
This show is a feel good show for you peole out there who need to put others down just to feel good about yourselves.
3. Keeping up with the Kardashians

Lifestyle of the rich and famous aint what we all dream of?
I enjoy this show because it is soooooooo scripted but yet the cast are kinda living in their own bubble thinking we audiences are retards or of lower thinking order.
Seriously dude, we can tell!!!
But that aside, i secretly would love to live their life.
How should i describe it accurately? Its the flossy flossy lifestlyle with fast cars, pretty clothes,lotsa money and partying.
I think the Kardashian sisters are actually quite pretty just because they are not the usual skinny minny i see on the silver screen and appear more real.
I would reccommend this show if you are into the hollywood lifestyle and need some make up drama in your boring life.
Think DUIs, sex tape leaks, eloping in las vegas, magazine shoots etc....
4. Kimora, life in the fab lane.

I LOVE this show because Kimora Lee Simmons is super hilarious.
Fashion mogual, model and mom are the different roles she has to juggle and you see how she does it on this show.
I think im a little kimora deep inside because she is an asian girl who is into fashion and glam and she married Djimon honsou!!
The guy from blood diamond.
Stil no clue?
The guy whose crotch was on the display window of Calvin Klein at citylink for a good half a year!! Hot...
Anyway, she has 3 kids and they are pretty hilarious also...
So just watch this...
5. Jon and kate plus 8

Where do i even begin??
After watching this show. I wanna have 8 kids myself!!!
The idea of having several kids growing up together is so fun.
I was kinda upset when they announced the infamous split because they would;ve been the perfect family.
Jon is korean and kate a caucasian, so you can imagine how cute the kids are.
Aside from that, they are very socialble and have different personalities which is very fun to watch.
Watch this show if you like to see kids do and say the darnest things.
Oh, and not forgeting, paranoid mother who always spoils the fun.
6. Project Runway

Turning plain old cloth into beautiful garments has always been my dream.
I spend a lot of moolahs on clothes and if i can do what these people on the show do, i would save myself a lot of buckaroos.
In fashion, one day you're in and the next day, you're out
Seeing other people's take on what looks good allows me explore how i can dress up less conservatively.
Anyway, the list never ends.
I dont know if it has happended to you.
But the person i am rooting for in the reality competition always ends up being the runner up.
Be it survivor, ANTM, even freaking masterchef.
pisses the crap out of me.
So, go on and start watching some of these shows and tell me if you enjoy it just as much as i do!
Songs i am loving right now
Kanye, gaga, far east movement and lady antebellum
Kanye's video is awesome man..
All of the lights- Kanye West
Born this way- Lady Gaga
Rocketeer- Far East Movement
Need you now- Lady Antebellum
I was watching this documentary called Religulous.
You probably figured its a mesh of the word religion and rediculous
Bill Maher explores why people today continue to be so faithful to their religion even though they are so much more educated than the past
He went to the churces, mosques, scientology churces and even some mormon temple(mormonism, which i got to know from this show.)
Please go wiki mormonism. (hah)
here is the link
But be warned, you should take this show with a pich of salt or just dont watch it at all.
But if i were you, i'd click on that link right now to have 101mins of my time well spend on a good show.
I love the closing statement, strong powerful and assertive.
But that is just my opinion.
peace out!
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i like your website its coo;
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