So ive been back for two days now and im still jet lagged.
On the plane back, i was just having a conversation with my mum about being jet lagged.
I asked her if she would be jet lagged cause technically, we reach Singapore in the wee hours at 140am and hence the only thing we can do when we get home is to sleep.
Her reply was, nooooo.
She doesnt get jet lagged cause she barely sleep during the plane rides.
Well, my reply was an old person's body doesnt get adapted to different time zones so quickly and i bet her bottom that she would be insomnic.
But what do you know??
Here i am at 523am, typing away feeling wide awake and my mum has been sleeping for the past 6 hours.
It seems that the kettlebell workout i did 2 hours ago didnt do much to wear me down.
note to self: Google ways to treat jet lag/insomnia.
My handphone has been cranky since i got to LA and hence i am left without a working phone for now.
I hope people who tried contacting me can be patient till i get my phone fixed which is hopefully later on today.
this situation totally ruined my plan of msging some of my close friends
the moment i touched down at Changi.
I got bored on the airplane and opened up to my mum about they type of guys that catch my eye.
And then i pointed to the guy sitting infront of mum who caught my eye the moment he walked down the aisle
I was just going through my checklist and i did a mental check for most the must haves.
Sadly, mum isnt too happy to hear about my taste for the... how do i put it??
Exotic flavours??
And she told me the most racist thing you can ever imagine.
I leave you guys to think about it.
I dun think its that difficult to guess anyway.
1 comment:
At least you can discuss with your mom about the type of guys you fancy. I can't even breach that territory yet. Not to mention that my mom is a closet rascist too.
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