I stare into this space with a great amount of guilt and disappointment in myself.
here i am blogging when the actualy fact is that i have tonns of thing to cramp into my tiny brain before tueday.
RERI is such a bitch. I am assuming she is a girl because a guy is never this complicated.
A part of me wants to really sit down to appreciate and understand the wonders behind this magical physiological model that was developed by a very intelligent man by the name of Dr Bala who also intimidates me to hell.
Unfortunately, time and my short attention span are not really on my side now.
So here there i go memorising like every other Singaporean student which is not what i am suppose to advocate as a teacher.
Ah.. the irony. It kills me.
Gone are the days where i have to wake up at ungodly hours just to reach school in the nick of time for lessons
HALL 12 which is so much nearer to school compared to hall 8.
But the downside is that i am staying with a complete stranger which i am not really comfortable with.
I'd rather stay with Jeanetic and walk a bit more any day. BOO.
I think someone deleted all the temporary files in my internet folder which irriates me to the max and i think i know who the culprit is.
Now i have to type the full url before i can proceed to any site that i want.
I think i really have to go.
I am extremely convinced now that i can never stay at home to study.
I really envy people who can actually do that because it saves them so much time and they probably learn so much more than people.
I should have a fixed study partner instead of changing one every sem
Its so confusing.
Easy A, check
Repunzel, check
Unstoppable, check
Harry potter...........
I think i am the only loser left who hasnt watched the movie.
The funny thing is that before the movie was showing, i had so many different bunch of friends "choping" me to watch the movie with them.
The next thing i know, every single one of them went to catch the movie- without me!
Dear God,
please stop making the days when i wanna go for rugby training a rainy one??
Pretty please? with a cherry on top?
love jacq
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