how is it gg?
the only reason i am here now is due to the fact that i am insomnic from a very late meal after Gina's baptism ceremony that lasted a good 3 hours
thank god for starhub tv on mobile which i watched the epic chelsea vs man u match and i should say that revenge is sweet..
take the 2-1 u man u devils!
at this moment you may think that i am sounding like a die hard chelsea/soccer fan which FYI i am so not.
i kinda just happen to prefer chelsea over man u cause number 1 i think man u players are kinda rowdy and arrogant and number 2 the fact that my whole PE classmates are supporting man u and so against chelsea which i have no idea why cause i think they play amazingly well and "unrowdily"
exams is in a couple of weeks time and i am already looking forward to the long awaited holiday after that.
a good 4 months of break which i intend to hopefully
1. finally get my drving license(so that i dun have renew my pdl for the 4th time??)
2. throw a 22nd birthday party? (this is just an idea.. i foresee myself being too lazy to get down to the actual planning) but i think its such a fun idea cause everyone can come tgt and have some food and fun? and plus no one has been to a 22nd bday party im so sure.. getting sick of 21st yeah? not the 22nd! yes/no/maybe?
its the time of the year again where the nomad in me is starting to get the better of things. i am thinking...
skiing in melbourne.
bangkok shopping?
Roland Garros in paris??!
mum mentioned germany again... to visit alicia aka to buy designer handbags.. haha
just anywhere with my besties.. its been a while since we've gone somewhere tgt:)
4. prepare for gina's wedding
no prior experience or what-so-ever. so i dunno how i can help. but i'll try..
5. await chelby's return
im trying to hit my blogging quota here so i dun have to be here for another say a month or two?
or at least until my life gets re-interesting again
i noticed that everyone is...
1. cheating and getting caught cheating
it seems like every other famous man is cheating on their spouse and getting caught cheating
like how interesting is that? it almost seems like it is "the" celebrity thing to do right now.
for example last year it would probably be getting pregnant cause every other celebrity is getting pregger- despite not being married.
2. getting a dslr camera
this, i understand because the picture quality from a dslr is superb.
but i really didnt realize how ppl really like taking photos so much that they are willing to spend thousands of dollars on a camera
for me, i can just live with my 5mp compact camera or better yet my 3.2mp phone camera
i am perfectly fine with it.
but it just appears to me that the norm is to own one of those huge ass cameras now even if you just wanna take normal photos.
3. going kite flying at the marina barrage
i have nvr been able to get a kite to take off from the ground despite trying so many times.
gracia, remember the amazing race we did when we were in nyjc? hah.. epic failure
ive been seeing alot of pictures of ppl gg to the barrage to fly kites lately.. is it the wind? like stronger or smt? cause i really wanna get a kite up in the air too..
note to self: go fly kite with friends after exams
4. wearing the gold casio watch
from ah peks to young girls.
i have one too.
okay... its almost 6 am now..
i am still wide awake.. gonna try to sleep

p.s: taken with my camera phone. bazinga!
Your sister's getting married?!?!?
its crazy, but the woman is happy.
i may be heading to melbourne in may/june.. meet up then alright?
Man if I financially secured I'd so get married lah. You better call me this time ah. And come before 22nd of June because I'm flying to UK then
renewing ur pdl is such a common thing.. I renewed mine at least 3 times too.. oops.. cant wait to be back in sg to meet up with u guys even though life in shanghai is v gd nw too..miss u guys lots..
hahaha! okay.. cause my entire class is suaning me about renewing so many times!
come back! all come back la!
3 is not a good number. cannot even play bridge
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