thats all the variations of 1 that i know.
and i am too lazy to google it
You dont know how sick i am of writing essays.
Its essays after essays after assays.
My phalanges are hurting from the constant rushing and stress from writing all the 25marks long answer with each passing paper that i take
just one more baby!
hang in there!
For dearies like Marcus, Mei mei, Kas, Wee lin, Yanner and Pei Shit
i really know what you guys are going through right now,
chillax.... kidding!!
just hang in there and we can all go chill after that yeah??:))
I think i really need to get out of this place
This place- meaning Singapore the little red dot.
I have began to notice this trend that has been going on in the recent years of my life.
Its like a natural instinct or something.
The urge to get out of the country is strong within me whenever the holidays arrive.
Its is an adult thing to do?
Or perhaps i am just nomadic in nature(that is only duriing the holidays)
Anyway, whatever it is i am determined, bent, ascertain that i will go on a well deserved holiday like usual
So i have decided
Nicole Teo Ping!!!
I am so coming down under to look for you!

Can i stay for like 3 weeks or something?
Yay to free lodging!!
No need to pay for hotel, air ticket settled by parents.
Which means that the all useful resuorce my pay can go to......
I think i wanna spend christmas and new year in Australia or a foreign land just like last year!!
Marcus... Are you with me????
but after ur exams, so we can plan our summer escapade!!(cause its summer down under)
when can we go out in full numbers again?

meet me soon? except for the one havocing in canada.
you suck.
I really dread closing this window beacuse it would mean i have to open my biology notes again
and i have this bad habbit of falling asleep when i see bio notes.
i shit you not
Strike 1!

Strike 2!

Strike 3! yourre out!

All pictures courtesy of my wonderful bio buddies
I love basking in all my unglamness
cause unglam is the new glam
you can quote me on that one.
anyway.. this is truly random..
but i hate it when i click on someone's blog and some music automatically plays and scares the shit out of me cause my speakers are turned to the maximum.
can we at least have the option of clicking play??
its damn irritating getting shocked all the time.
I shall now try to flip open my biology notzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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