is there a plural to fish?
many fishes? or many fish?
sarah stands by the latter while others insist on the former.
this has been bugging me real bad.

anyway, i caught 500 days of summer
and i cant emphasize how apt this show is- to me at least.
not the best show in my opinon cause there is not much of a climax, but it really answered my question on fate and destiny and all the jazz i have blogged about previouslly.
It was like i was meant to watch the show cause it pretty much sums up everything thing that has been going on- like magic.
not to mention the lead actress summer's sense of stlye
i can totally see myself wearing all her clothes and hair accessories.
ooh ooh!
she likes origami too.. can say coincidence?
p.s: summer toatlly reminds me of youuuu....
and i made a new friend:) i think i did?
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