I am currently hooked on Prison Break which is a very intellectually stimulating show as you see how this one man leads his brother who is incarcerated and on death roll for a murder he didnt commit.
On my weekends, i spent my days watching the serial as im hooked onto the seamless plan of Michael Scofield(Wenworth Miller) and his perfectly shaped bald head
In one of the scene he was talking to one of the black inmates and getting all guru with him
So the black inmate commented:
"Just because you think you have a college degree, you think you rule inside here? Well, in here, Darwin rules, not Einstein."
That got me thinking.
Darwin vs Einstein
Survival of the fittest vs The smartest
Who wins?
In this society/community that we live in, does it take a bigger attitude or bigger brain to stay the top dog?
Does the average flamboyant streetwise guy get away with everything or does the brainy genius get everything he wants in life through his sheer hardwork?
It's so hard to stand firm and pick one.
I asked sarah for her opinion and have yet to reach to a conclusion.
Workload is kinda pilling up already
But as usual, who else but me to leave everything to the final crunch time to complete
Like i have said, i think i work better under pressure.
People may think im plain lazy, but thats just how i work.
Fast and efficient.
It may not be the smartest/best modus operandi cause it would usually involve a little sleep deprivation.
But,i am comfortable with it, so who's fretting again?
People should really just chill a little and really mean it when they chill.
Roger lost the US opens to del potro
his picture is so going up my dart board.
But all in all, it has been a good year for my man and im sure he will still be the GOAT in the tennis world.
I need to go play tennis soon.
Thank god i found a new tennis buddy
Ain't coming up with awesome posts lately
cause im just plain tired
before i forget
use that pretty face and start attracting some girls instead of guys
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