jacq: yes, i do! i eat sandwhiches and paos
daniel: but the pao is not from crystal jade. why would you eat it??
this post is dedicated to all my caring pess friends who are so concerned with my diet cause they never see me eat in school( which is so not true)
To begin, i have to say that the food in NIE is on the contrary very yummy, perhaps one of the better places to have food in the whole of NTU.
I dont need crystal jade or a silver plate to make me down food okay?
But why the weird eating patterns you might say?
To make you understand, i have to start from the very beginning which is the complicated biological makeup of my wonderful stomach.
If you havent seen me, there is no way, no way that i would not eat and still look the way i am.
I am one giant ball of lard. Hello??
The reason you guys dont see me eat in school is very simple- I am just not hungry when the "normal" ppl are.
I don't know how is it that people can just wake up and start eating so early in the morning.
I'll first admit that i am totally not a breakfast person
The "most important meal of the day" crap, i do not buy that from day 1.
I know, biologically, it makes sense. And to top it all off, i am doing bio and PE.
But my jaws can hardly move in the morning.
I reckon i am partially exothermically warmed up, so no raisin bun or P&J sandwhich will tempt me in the morning.
And to top it all off, i see ppl eating nasi lemak or fried bee hoon in the morning.
I just feel like puking. Way too much chewing and flavour for the early mornings.
So when exactly do i get hungry?
I have been observing my eating patterns and i came up with a graphical illustration of how my stomach operates.
here it is.

so as you can see, binging period only kicks in around 3pm in the afternoon and dies down because i'd probably be full from whatever i was eating.
and following that, would be dinner a ard 8 cause lessons end so freaking late this sem. Boo
weird! i know.
so yeah
so! stop telling me i dont eat in school!
cause i do-just at a different time.
i like to stand out, be different:)
Mummy boughth me a coach wristlet!
love love love it.
brown classic monogram would go well with anything
she says i shld stop using my floral pouch cause its too dirty
but i like it!
its so handy, just stuff everything inside and you're good to go.
no worries pal, just like my trusty old green plastic ruler, you will never be replaced. NEVER!
check this out. i placed my finger over the flash with the intentions to mild the brightness of the flash but i got this instead.
cool shit
but i kinda "burned" my finger in the process.
note to self: flash light can burn.
i think the red of the photo is actually my blood.
rugby and soccer this sem
i suck so bad at soccer i think even a kid can play better than me.
and my right ankle is swollen from all the dribbling and kicking.
i am practising real hard- i am
it just somehow doesn't translate into good play.
But, Mr Ng is really nice and patient, which is why i feel so bad for not getting it right.
On the other hand, i am so enjoying rugby.
Mr Tom Browne is real funny and i love how structured his lessons are
Too much notes though- everything else, love love love
Ruggers are hot!
Why am i like the only one who can see their diabolical hotness??
Check them ripping muscles

Just when you thought they can't get any more perfect.
well, they do... They are
wait for it..
wait for it..
they are flexible too!

Sweltering Hot!
Long long post.
How's that for an update huh??
1 comment:
See lots of those ruggers in my halls here. I get what you mean
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