my day was spent at MOESSC at changi learning how to sail
i never knew sailing was that challenging until well- today.
its not really pysically demanding, but rather it challenged me technique-wise.
the first half of the lesson was pretty smooth sailing and i was so convinced that i had the "water sports genes" in my blood
learning all the basic techniqies and rigging of the boat ,I must say i got the geez of the whole lesson pretty quickly, making turns and steering my boat with great success
i was told the wind speed then was abt 3 knots
it was after lunch that the wind speed took this exponential increas to, i dunno? 100knots? It was like freaking tsunami and i kept capsizing and also getting hit by the boom of the sail boat.
in my whole 8 years of canoeing i have never capzised more than what i did on a sail boat on this single day.
It was that bad yeah.
Speaking of the boom, for non sailing people, you must be wondering what the heck is a boom right?
just to get things straight first, YES! it hurts as bad as its name sounds like
well, a boom is a horizontal pole that holds your sail to the mast. It can swivle around the mast for you to catch the wind in different direction.
You must have seen sailors on TV shifting their seats to avoid this swinging thing right???
The typical sailing scene. Yep, thats THE BOOM
there was this one incident the wind was so strong and it caugth my boat parallel to the sail. That sent the boom freaking swing at my head knocking me off the boat.
I seriouslly thought i was gonna die then, but thankfully im still here.
and another incident was what i call the "viking ship"
beacuase the wind would catch my sail of forcefully that my sail almost touches the water and me, while sitting on my seat, will be sent perpendicularly up into the air like you're sitting on a viking ship ride at the amusement park.

looks damn cool right
not when you drop into the water from that height and land on the mast of your boat
its damn painful
so that concludes the end of my sailing experience cause i'm too badly beaten up to attend the next lesson.
oh look !
thats me sailing.

always capsized
like a pain.
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