3 papers in a row, starting with Microbiology on monday, Current genetics on tuesday and biomechanics on wednesday
and AMERICAN IDOL on wenesday as well
the last one on the agenda is all that matters actually
i think im awfully unprepared for my papers.
not that i didnt study but because my papers are scheduled in a way where i cant do a thorough revision of all my subjects to my expectations
well tried my best, lets see how it goes.
looking forward to the end of the exams as it will mean my 3 and a half months long vacation is finally here
schedule for the holidays are already starting to be filled up with camps, sailing and windsurfing courses BIRTHDAY, moving house and maybe a short vacation overseas
but first i have to pull through this damn exam which means i have to go and study now
this is a very nice sunglass!! Right??

p.s: i dunno if it only make sense to me, but if your stay is only temporary or short-live, shouldn't i have the privilage of choice?
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