but the whole "niu" year thing is so over-used and getting a little annoying
television, newpapers and radio broadcast are centralising their CNY campaign around the same word pun
whatever happened to creativity?
enough bitching for today
updates on the aussie open
Jelena the underserving no. 1 is out as expected and booted out by a young teenager Marion Bartoli.
Phew for Federer as he moves up the board into the next round
Had a close one today where he was down right from the start
Look at the intensity on his face

Beacause it isnt Federer to cheer and get all hyped up about one good ball
he's too cool for that
I was watching Evan Almighty on HBO last night
And interestingly, there was this part that really tugged on my heartstrings and got me thinking for a moment
God played by Morgan Freeman talked about opportunities in a prayer
People pray to be given strength, courage, patience, to be closer as a family
But have you wondered how does God give people strength or courage?
Does he plant them into your cells magically? And viola, you have courage.
Nah uh.
He presents in the form of opportunities.
Take for example, if you want courage, God offers you opportunities to show your courage, strength or whatever.
Really makes sense, especially to a non beliver in higher powers like me.
I really believe in opportunities and how they can mould you depending on how you react and handle the situation and i hope when i am given one, i will step up to the plate and do what i am supposed to do.
Well, the "Niu" year is gonna come in another two hours time
and ive been eating non stop since i got home from hall on friday
ive been really deprived of food in hall cause the nearest canteen has disgusting unplatetable food and i really am too lazy to walk to get food anyway.
so i always end up eating cereal, cookies or whatever i brought from home the previous week.
So whenever friday dawns, i have no quams about going hungry cause my mum has a knack for stocking up food at home and buying yummy snacks
This year, she bought heart shaped bak kwas instead of the normal coin shaped ones that my sister likes

I guess my sister likes that one more because it's more convenient to eat
But anyway, the hear shaped bak kwas are so cute.
Never mind about my huge appetite and not getting any kick out of just eating one of those,
the cuteness of it alone is just enought to get me picking up another one and another one and another one.

self denial.
enjoy youself peeps
p.s: Dear chelsea, i know you are like mugging away right now, but i hope the pictures of my cute bak kwa can cheer you up. Dont be sad. But then again, you cant eat it. But you are in canada surrounded by so many cute ang mors. I'd take that over food anyday. So i guess, your "niu" year is more happening. So stop complaining. Tsk.
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