i have to say that you have given me a very fulfilling year with many challanges to overcome, happy moments and not so great ones either.
For the wonderful occassions just to name a few like:
the countless outings and baking sessions with my girls,
swimming, gyming, shopping or just plain chilling and gossiping with wee wee,
the many celebrations with besties(usually at nic's house),
festive seasons with my family,
competitions with the meridian warriors
and goofing around with my PE mates at PE college
i was so glad to have lived that moment and would never trade it for anything else
and how about the not so good moments like:
the A level results
the period awaiting the NIE intake news
mugging for exams
the countless leg injuries i had
backing out of competitions, trials
i give thanks to these moments as well cause it made me a stronger and better person who is never suere of what she wants and what she ought to do better.
i know i was not the best that i can or should be this year and hence i will take forth the lessons learnt this year and work on it in 09 and who know what to expect in the coming year.
but one thing is for sure, i know it wouldn't be a bed of roses nor do i hope for it to be a treacherous sea of fire. Hopefully i will learn just as much as i can from 09 just as i have from you.
hopefully bonds forged with whoever and whenever will no longer be broken cause as nonchalant as i may appear, i treasure friendships like gold.
but for the temporaries like wee wee and chelby, i will miss you dearly in 09 cause you won't be here with me like you have in 08.
i dunno why but 09 seems very promising but it can only be the best i make of myself
so we shall wait and see how i fair
i promise i shall really start t******* seriouslly when i get back
with whom i dunno, but i definitely will
so bye 08 and i'll say helloooo 09 in macau!!
went back to hall yesterday to clean up since i would only be back one day before school starts and i wouldn't wanna clean then
the stupid hall was damn freaking dirty
this is my fan with many tiny rectangular vents where the wind comes out from obviously

and not to mention, my wardrobe reeks of death or something, i have no idea why
when i pulled out one of my black top from inside, i was damn shocked to find that it has mould growing all over it.
but im so glad i went back to clear it
did some laundry as well.
yan yan we need to come up with some housekeeping plan when i get back.
i already have a rough idea of how it is going to work already
if im going to be a better person in 09 i might as well start with personal hygiene.
i seriouslly have no idea whats the rave over the stupid twilight novels that everyone is having,
but just get over it please
watch the movie and get over with it
speaking of twilight
yan yan told me the main character vampire guy is actually Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter
didnt knew that
its amazing how overnight fame can come to a small time actor just because of one film
According to Gina, the film is not even very good to begin with
and so many girls are gushing over the main character of the film
how can you find a pale faced man with blood shot eyes to be appealing in any way at all??
seriously, get over with it.
i shall go watch the movie later on in the evening and tell you how it went
maybe the next post will be titled
you may never know.
oh. and im reading some chick flick by sohie kinseller now called "Remember me?"
ive read all her books except for the shopaholic series.
this is another case of twilight
everyone raving over a book
anyway, i just want to say that i picture Eric to look like the guy from the Dolce and Gabbana perfume "the One" advert
its so random but its been in my mind and im usually very good at these, like pointing out who looks like who and what looks like what
one fine example would be:
i pointed out that yan yan looks like a bear
if you have read ithe book
tell me if you feel the same way????
okay.. all for 2008.
next post will be in 09
omg. this blog will move into 3 full years in existence going four.
i can't believe it
shame on you ppl who keep closing and creating new accts(PEISHIT) and wasting space in the cyber world!!
its like rearing a pet and watching it grow up
im so proud of myself
*fanning the tears that are welling up in my eyes*
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