Monday, November 26, 2007
win tickets to beijing 2008.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Of tractors, fields and tree climbing idoits!!
anyways, these two days were well spent as they leave me with yet another bag of interesting tales to share me my loyal READERS.
i have changed my e mail address, so please stop e mailing me at blogformyonlyreaderchelsea@hotmail.com thanks alot!
AWWW! enough about my readers already.
after the Bio mcq paper, we cam whored as usual on the soccer pitch.
NOOOOOO..... not just any ordinary soccer pitch mind ya.
it's a freaking synthetic grass field, where no mud can get to your shoes eben if a tsunami comes our way.At Meridian Junior College we pride ourselves in giving our soccer boys the best ammenities they can get so they can go all out for the nationals and come back with a SILVER medal. Really.
so, for the shot of the day

Well, on liberation day, the girls and i hit the town for an evening of fun and definitely lots of laughter
First up, we went K-BOX!!
we sang to our hearts content, from 130 to 700PM!!
actually most of them were chinese songs, so i was clueless half the time the girls were singing.
THEN, it came me and fling's turn to sing some english tunes.
some of the tunes we sang included PCD's "stick with u", Linkin Park's "in the end", Rasmus "in the shadow"
WOW! you must be wondering K BOX plays hip english songs as well?
thats uber cool, next time all the people who listen only to ang mor songs can go there and sing as well.
who says k box only for cheena ching chong people?????
patience my young apprentice.. i have yet to tell you about the part where all the music videos are of
1) tractors harvesting rice or corn fields
2) women from the 80s running slow mo on the beach
3) couples climbing trees to get intimate there!! (WTF??)
4)old cottages and road trips
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Major Revamp!
i know my LOYAL READERS are really disappointed.
coming in EVERYDAY to check if i have updated my blog, but to their dismay.
thanks chelsea.(i meant reader, like singular)
since the dreaded, disgusting, bye-bye, kiss my ass A levels is over, i now have all the time in to make this blog a circus again.
But before that, i have to take up some blog formatting lessons with some kind souls that are willing to help as you can obviously see that i am still using the original default blog skin that was provided by blogger.
so for the kind souls out there that wants to help, me contact me at blogformyonlyreaderchelsea@hotmail.com
Anyway, i turned on the tv today and i happened to catch one of the advertisements for the up and coming musical "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".

No, i'm not asking anyone to catch the musical with me.
not really a fan of a lao pok invernter fixing a loa pok car to make it fly, although i would gladly choose a musical over a pop star's concert anytime.
i always believe in "to each his own" and "different people have different taste",
but come on man paying $888 for a single eye lidded man who strips to make make the girls scream their larynx out isn't my kind of quality entertainment.
ok, i'm digressing. my point is ask me out for a musical and not a concert.
As i was saying i turned on the tv and saw the advertisement.
if i dont remember wrongly, its called "first scoops on 5"
it is usually played at the last 3 minutes of the hour or at the end of the show.
the advertisement included the usual royal premier gala where all the celebrities and big shots get to go first and interviews with various celebrities like Jade Seah, Adrian Pang, Zoe Tay and Huang Bi Ren.
so, they were asking them how was the musical and all
and Huang Bi Ren replied "tech-ni-culleh woond-derfull"
like with the bri-ish accent and all
i think its damn hilarious

lets not talk about zoe tay here.
at least she doesn't sound like she's trying to slang or anything.
i was wondering, do you really need to have an accent to appear "smart"?
and why must it always be an ang mor accent, british or american.
people always say "oh.. i think it so cool the ang mors. so nice when they speak. got accent one. i also want to speak like that"
but so do the Thais and the viets or the philippinas
Thai man: "come on guys, time to do our sweshing"(strecthing) or "nelo very unstable cannot bah lance(balance)- this is courtesy or our dearly beloved and missed captain vasin
Phillippna maid: "Mam, today i cook propet phish(promfet fish) ok? beri guuud to eat"(thanks to my maid)
when i turn on the tv and i see taiwaness artist speaking with an american accent, i get totally turned off, i dunno why.
like when they say the word dance, they say it as "dence"
and when they say class, they say it as "clairs"
these are the few examples only.
and there's the classic Hong Kong drama where people sing birthday songs
"Happy birs-day to you!"
you know what i'm talking about right??
i think people should really start to embrace their own identity and not try to put on a facade and give false impressions
and putting ang mors on the pedastal is not the way to go either
i have to agree that the are uber good looking, have nice eyes, nose, lashes, hair, body and most probably their pi sai or even their cells are nicer than ours too la.(singaporean)
Even i have my very own "i wish i was born an ang mor" moment
but not to the extreme of worshipping them.
i have friends saying "i'll NEVER date a chinese singaporean! so cheena!"
or they would only date ang mors if they ever get a chance.
what do you think?
i for example, think that local guys aren't as bad as some think they are
cheena people mix with cheena people and non cheenas do the same
they call that "birds of a feather flock together"
speaking chinese or listening to chinese songs doesn't necessarily mean cheena.
if that's people's definition of cheena then you're probably gonna end up in a nunnery in the later part of your life because you think very easy to get an ang mor boyfriend is it?
i admit that my chinese is not really fantastic and i would never ever speak the language if i ever have to(because its way to difficult for me. speak a bit faster and i'm lost)
but i stil do enjoy chinese dramas alot and the occasional chinese songs recommended by the girls.
anyway, i think i've had enough of being a preacher women for the day.
"People, dear fellow brothers and sisters who stand before me. Raise your right hand and reach for the sky and take you left hand and feel you heart! FEEL WHO YOU ARE! EMBRACE YOUR SOUL! YOUR PERSONALITY! your culture, your jet black hair, your single eyelids, your Las and Lors. Tell yourselves YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! don't be embarassed of your own heritage and i'm sure you'll be able to appreciate more wonders life have to offer!"
i shall end of here now
gotta go meet my ang mor boyfriend for an appointment at the hair salon to dye my hair blonde.
tata peeps.
peace out. *thumps chest and kisses fingers"
p.s: go check out the commercial if you have the time. and amazing race asia 2 premieres tomorrow night! wohoo!
p.s.s: i'm sorry i can't seem to get the spacings right. how come like that?????