seems to me he is losing all his focus and determination in the sport. i may just be speculating but others agree so.
and anyway, jacq is ALWAYS right....(right wee wee?)
as the ladies pick up momentum for the up and coming Women's Championships(ladies only) i just simply dun understand how the most "important"(by right) person of the team is wasting all the precious training time.
not to mention all the great help he has given in order to allow training to proceed smoothly.
WAKE UP!!!!!
stop irritating me already.
i just get the feeling that i appear to be this nasty and mean person who is always out to pick on someone during training.
jacq: target locked
innocent victim: help! help! jacq is going to drown me again with all her sarcasm again!!!
stop irritaing me and stick out like a sore thumb and you will be safe from my wrath
............. except for kenneth. i pick on you for fun
i mean, who can blame me. he's standing there with his arms crossed and hands tucked under his arm pits and giving you the" come, come, pick on me" look.
okay. sorry to digress.
back to him.
he doesn't follow the training programme(which is his loss)
doesn't help to carry the boats
doesn't do anything.
i'm standing there looking at the juniors,
they had to carry two boats out at the same time to compensate for the seniors' lack in efficiency.
with no complaints
they're angels.
i see many improvements to be made to this team.
we're taking each step very slowly but surely i hope.
but sorry to wet your blankets
cause we have no time left!!!!
WAKE UP everyone.
it's almost mid may now and the big day is in 2 months time
not to mention the never ending pile of work that everyone has to battle at home everyday
this wake up call is for everyone
we have to proof ourselves to so many people.
Miss Lai
Miss Choy
RJC(wanna beat them so badly)
stupid china coach(stop irritating me and go fuck a spider)
the whole entire world??
i see your effort
i see your sweat
i wanna see the results too
train hard
study hard
stay focused
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