Feeling bored on the train ride to school so I thought why not stir up some trouble?
Was browsing through FB when I saw this newspaper clipping cookouts with this comment "what is the use of getting a Hallal cert and having a promotion during the fasting month? Please explain."
This was when I thought to myself?
How extensive is racial integration in Singapore as we have claimed to be a multi racial country that prides herself on the success of different racial groups livid together harmoniously.
With the recent "cook a pot of curry" event that cause quite a significant commontion in the cyber world as well as in the actual community I have no qualms saying that racial issues are being placed under a bigger spotlight as the younger generation gains a sudden interest in political and societal issues after the geneal elections.
My point is, are things as bad as it is made out to be or should people take a more unbiased and critical view on the issue before acting and commeting on issues as such.
To my knowledge the curry complaining incident happened a whooping 7 years ago!! Why is it only being brought up now? I mean... If it was that big an issue, we would have heard about it close to a decade ago which we did not so why stir up a storm now?
In all honesty, we I was invited to "cook a pot of curry" on my FB my eyeballs rolled to the back of my head u till it kinda hurt and it can't roll anymore.
Meaningless events like this created to spark controversy is the exact reason why teens are rioting over at London and so many part of Europe right now.
The herd effect is so inviting and contageous that a huge ass riot can be organized through BBM.
I think the younger generation which includes me ( cause I'm young ) has a great potential to make a difference because we think and do things differently but nonetheless effectively.
But what I wanna put across is the pick your battles wisely and not charge at every wall you see because you are only going to get so battered at the end of the day it's not worth it.
As for aquamarine, I say...
Why would you complain of the adjustments made is only for your convenience?
If you can't eat the lunch, then go for the dinner?!!
Simple as pie.
Singapore is multi racial which means that people of many background visit that restaurant which was not the case previously because the restaurant decide to be exclusive.
But since the policy has changed for your convenience I don't see the need to complain and worst yet, raise a controversy in the cyber world yet again!!
So this is for all you peole who cooked curry, rioted in London or whatever city that was, or complained about some small minor issue
And stop creating trouble.