I am officially a driver!
YAY ME! 1st time passer yo!
Now, to wait for the damn COE to drop before my parents will get me my rush.
The rush is only like the nicest car in the whole wide world.
I loved it since i lay my eyes on it eons ago.
If i ever get a red rush, imma name it and imma love it like i have never loved anything in the world
It is my one true love.<3
*cross fingers*
I am starting to doubt myself and if i am in the right carrer path
My mum just asked me how to use the cable remote control and i let out a loud sigh
I taught her nonetheless but really unwillingly
I dont really wanna teach anyone anything anymore
its so tiring
lesson plans, powerpoint slides, fun activities
my brain is drained to a chalk dry consistency
touch it and it may just crumble like a cookie
week 3 day 2 here i come!
my license picture is a bit cocked eye but i dun care cause taking another picture will cost 7 bucks and im broke from paying for all my driving lessons and tests.
Heck la... As long as i can drive right??
kay, since im in a good mood.. i'll show you the pic