PDL renewed for the 1676348984903th time
lessons 3,4,5 and 6 booked. (1 and 2 two years ago)
good progress albeit slow.
But based on my standards, it wouldve taken another 4 years to reach lesson 6.
As ironic as it might sound, rush is waiting.
another great effort from Hailey Reinhart
I really wonder how she ended up in the bottom 3 again?
Scotty better go before she does or it'll just confirm once again that Americans are clueless when it comes to voting.
i havent washed my hands since modelling with adam levine in this ad.
hot or what?
i think i like the bony thing poking out of his hips.
i shall add that to my "to have list" in my future boyfriend.
So, even if you are a hot indian/caucasian rugger/canoeist but dont have that bony thing at your hips. SORRY.... not interested.